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Former Developer
Kept here will be the actual arcade beta packages for download. A new revision will be posted as new posts to this thread.

This work is to be treated as any license would - it is non transferrable and non-distributable. Do not leak.

Currently, only vb4 is supported. Installing vBArcade will prevent any existing arcade from working properly (though you should keep it installed for a bit if you want to import from it).

See last post in this thread for latest revision.
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New revision 3 - minor tweaks

Imports categories from mochi, special error phrases for play requirements, when the arcade is closed, and a phrase for the arcade banner.
New revision 4 - the ibproarcade handler!

Note - this requires the included .htaccess file in your forum root. If there is already one there, copy the RewriteCond line out of it and within your existing one, immediately after our RewriteBase line (or RewriteEngine if that isnt there). If you have trouble let me know.
New revision 5 - categories!

Full control over them in the manage categories link.
Copy, merge and delete categories.
Optional passwords
Optional icons and descriptions
Import from ibproarcade install will carry over additional category info

(note, tool for applying categories to games will be in upcoming beta)
(also, i moved crossdomain.xml, so update your .htaccess as supplied as well)
New revision 6 - mainly bug fixes

Fixes high score sorting, mochi duplicate/series scoring, button to return to arcade that suppresses warning and clears the game session
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New revision 7 - ibprogames hardly worked!

This grabs all the supporting media files for those that need them and secure games, fixes the secure tag and refreshing during import, scoring around vbcms, couple tweaks. v3arcade handler almost ready.

**updated .htaccess to reapply!
**you revert your edited templates, right? :p
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New revision 8 - the v3 arcade handler!

Supports converting from a previous install, uploading their zips, and even the live install service.
Also added messages during import for common possible issues beyond my control. some tweaks
* updated htaccess and revert your edited templates

Next up is the game editor, which ive added as a task for you guys to tell me what you think and help me out :)
New revision 9 - manage games!

Really big update, mainly around being able to finally manage/delete your installed games, as well as mass manage categories with them. also some sorting and category tweaks thrown in.

there are some additional game types and surprise features coming up, stay tuned and thanks for testing the first week so far :)
New revision 10 - improvements!

now manager splits between active/inactive, shows filenames, shows and sorts on rating, splits categories from tags, show uncategorized, high score alerts, wol locations, live install fixes, fixing the hover for ratings, changing label for your rating.

*read the posts for previous betas for upgrade tips if you are skipping some versions!
Here is a list of the feature request implemented in this version.

Option to display games by category in games list in AdminCP

Un Categorized Games

A way to tell if you personally have rated a game already

Dropdown selection to only show inactive games

Display file path on image mouseover in AdminCP

Add Sort games by Rating ASC/DESC in AdminCP
New revision 11 - kongregate and a surprise!

I also fixed the twitter/facebook buttons.

new is the kongregate game handler! and you can import a bunch of their games or add them manually. the downside: all games are scoreless (they submit scores direct to kongregate and K ignores your site :( ) but at least you can easily add and play them locally :D i have another similar game handler up my sleeves for later.

now, im going to get to bed, but rev11 includes a super awesome special feature, which has been closed off until now. one of the crown jewels of vbarcade. im not going to tell you what it is yet, since i didnt really test it yet, but you are all welcome and encouraged to find, enable, and give it a whirl :p and of course let me know how broken it is. have fun, cya tomorrow!
New revision 12 - Armor games and portal upgrades!

So, now you can import and add armor games (though like kongregate, they dont support reporting the scores to your site, sorry).
Several fixes for high scoring and sorting... plus htaccess updates to fix some v3arcade live install bugs, and the ability to load global scores and fix the high scorer when you edit a game (couple minor fixes and tweaks too).

Also, several additions to spruce up the arcade portal:
nice icons, current players, game plays and time counter, featured game, showing username and avatar
New revision 13 - scores stuff!

You can finally browse scores in the admincp, as well as archive and delete them en masse (plus sort by time and value, and select by game and/or user).

Archived scores dont count towards the current leaderboard, but their stats still count and can be optionally shown as a legacy champion score. deleted scores decrease the stats. the current, legacy, and global scores now stack on the panels (vs toggle) and are shown depending on your settings.

you can also set only the best score to be active (the rest automatically get archived), as well as enable the included scheduled task to automatically archive scores older than the last time it ran (daily, weekly, hourly, whatever!)

Also fixed the current editor preferences when editing/deleting a game.
New revision 14 - flashgamedistribution!

This one gives support for games downloaded from
If you look for their list of games that use GamerSafe, those [sometimes] use their scoring API, which allows for reporting scores on your site :)

I am trying to get them to add some features to their games feeds to make it easier to search around (anyone want to help prod them?) but have not gotten any response, so I left that out for now, but you can still import such games by downloading the zips and uploading them into vbarcade. otherwise, the feed browsing will be in an upcoming beta, as well as one other non-scoring game source that seems popular.

Also fixed: facebook liking, excessive game pinging, editing gameids, some other minor things. added google +1 support :)
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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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