Add-on DragonByte eCommerce 1.4.0rc1 [XenForo]

DragonByte eCommerce
DragonByte eCommerce is a highly advanced digital retailer for XenForo, containing advanced features such as multiple pricing tiers, coupons and automatic sales.

Fully integrated with XenForo 2, DragonByte eCommerce takes advantage of all built-in XenForo 2 functionality like the new Payment Profile system which allows you to accept payments from different payment processors.

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A new update is available for DragonByte eCommerce by DragonByte Technologies.

DragonByte eCommerce 1.4.0rc1

Update highlights

After several months in development, we're proud to present the first Release Candidate version of DragonByte eCommerce v1.4.0! 🎉

As you can tell, the list of changes is nothing short of immense. I won't be able to break down every single change or new feature, as that would take hours, but I'll go through some of the most important ones.

VAT ID per address: VAT IDs are now stored in the Address record, instead of in the Order record. This means that recurring customers will no longer have to fill out their VAT ID every time they place a new order. With this change, it is also possible to place addresses in the Approval Queue for moderators to validate prior to allowing it to be applied to an order.
If you don't wish to use this moderation feature, a user group permission can be granted to bypass validation.

Uneditable addresses: Addresses that have been used in orders, or have a verified VAT ID, can no longer be edited in the front-end. Administrators can still edit these records in the Admin control panel. This is to preserve the records in case the tax man comes calling for an audit.

Recurring sales: You can configure sales to recur at certain time intervals, or using custom date ranges. This makes recurring sales useful for sales that occur at the same date every year (such as Xmas) and for sales that occur at different dates every year (such as Easter).

Specific renewal costs: Each different product pricing tier for a digital product can now have a specific, fixed renewal cost. This cost does not change when the license is expired vs. still active.

UI improvements: Many different improvements have been made to the UI, including (but not limited to) a purchase button in the product list, renewal costs in the product information block, version number in the product list, ability to click "Renew licenses" to renew even non-expired licenses, and more.

XPM / XRPM importer improvements: Various improvements to these importers see them more reliably importing data, including extended data from XPM Essentials.

Bugs, now fixed: Over two dozen bugs have been fixed!

Complete Change Log

Feature: Generated downloads are now optionally cached via a new config.php flag "$config['dbtechEcommerceCacheReleases'] = true;" (Experimental)
Feature: Automatically mark alerts for download as read when downloading a release
Feature: Automatically mark alerts for download as read when viewing the download page
Feature: Automatically mark alerts for product ratings as read when viewing the reviews page
Feature: Automatically mark alerts for product ratings as read when viewing the latest reviews page
Feature: Automatically mark alerts for download as read when viewing the releases page
Feature: Automatically mark alerts for a product as read when viewing the main product page
Feature: For digital products, the version number now appears in a more prominent spot in the product list
Feature: Purchase button on product list
Feature: Starting renewal cost is now in a tooltip on the pricing label
Feature: Renewal costs are now displayed on the product pricing block
Feature: Renewal pricing can now be set per product cost
Feature: Ability to display a "Checkout" button in the pricing info block for products currently in cart
Feature: Ability to specify any number of date ranges in the future for the sale to recur manually
Feature: Recurring sales
Feature: Implement "On sale" product filter
Feature: Ability to customise product release thread titles
Feature: Moderation queue support for Addresses, when using the VAT system
Feature: Per-sale option to feature products during sale
Feature: Added purchase type (new / renew) to the invoice
Feature: [XPM Importer] Properly convert XPM Essentials 'branches' into product versions
Feature: [XPM Importer] Import product filters
Feature: [XPM Importer] Migrate extra license field
Feature: [XPM / XRPM Importer] Setup product-watch for imported licenses
Feature: The "Expired" label and the expiry date (for non-lifetime licenses) are now links to purchase a renewal
Feature: When the "Simplified download interface" setting is disabled, show a grouped list of the latest X releases in the license view

Change: Merged registration defaults into the core setting
Change: Improve performance on the product overview list by caching product pricing data
Change: Simplified the CSS / Style properties for the Sale ribbon
Change: Sale percent discounts now accept floats
Change: Sale discounts are now formatted to remove unneeded trailing zeroes
Change: Sales tax rate is now displayed in the invoice
Change: Fixes & improvements to the XenProductManager import
Change: Add-on products are no longer included in the sitemap, as they do not have a dedicated product information page
Change: Product icon no longer shows up on the product info page if there's also no product description
Change: "Renew licenses" button will now show up if any license is not lifetime in addition to if any licenses have expired
Change: Add-on licenses now link to the parent license if the license info is invalid
Change: The email validator for Addresses now respects the banned emails list
Change: VAT ID is now stored in the Address record, automatically set in an order when choosing an address with a VAT ID
Change: Addresses used in previous orders can no longer be edited or deleted
Change: Addresses with a valid VAT ID can no longer be edited or deleted
Change: Use new Approval Queue template
Change: Use XF's abstracted filesystem instead of direct access for most contents in 'internal_data' & 'data' directories

Fix: Fixed "{name}" showing up in the news feed instead of the user's name when a new review is written
Fix: Email options would not save correctly on Account Details or Privacy pages
Fix: Fixed an issue where sales would not rebuild when undeleted
Fix: Certain VAT ID formats could produce a server error when validating them
Fix: The email subject for order shipped emails would not correctly include the board title
Fix: Ensure prefixes can be clickable on the main product overview page
Fix: Fix a race condition where viewing another user's pending order could remove their items from cart
Fix: Fixed serialize -> json_encode for various cache rebuilds
Fix: Shipping notification could generate a server error in some circumstances
Fix: Fixed product cost cache not rebuilding after importing one
Fix: Fix for a potential server error where a non-existent order is refunded
Fix: Fix eror during updates; Template error: Method canViewDbtechEcommerceProducts is not callable on the given object
Fix: Fix missing "View scheduled releases" permission
Fix: Fixed infinite scrolling when using the Grid style
Fix: Check whether invoices are enabled for the front-end order list
Fix: "Page not found" when trying to view the licenses tab
Fix: Deleting orders containing deleted products would fail with an error
Fix: Filtering licenses by product using the drop-down would not preserve the selection onto page 2 onwards
Fix: New orders could produce a server error record in certain circumstances
Fix: Fixed an issue where the email preferences in the Preferences page would not show up in certain scenarios
Fix: Fixed banners on List style
Fix: [XPM Importer] Import per-product permissions
Fix: Certain data could be stored with an incorrect amount of decimals
Fix: Fix "Template error: Method canViewDbtechEcommerceProducts is not callable on the given object" during rebuild
Fix: Ensure alerts are linked to add-on
Fix: Fix possible "Call to undefined method hasDbtechEcommerceProductPermission()" during rebuild
Fix: Better handle copied from abstract path system to temp files
Fix: Stop responding to API requests if the API system is disabled

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Product Information

XenForo 2.0.6+ XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
Last update
97.2% 4.86 star(s) 7 ratings

Pricing information

1 Month
Renewal cost
1 Year
Renewal cost

Branding Free


Professional Installation

1 Day