Question Dragonbyte SEO Install Issue

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Instead of being argumentative...and posting unhelpful snarky responses (which you've done 2x in this thread)...why not say something more helpful like "Please post screenshots"??
I don't know what the problem is, so I don't know if screenshots will help. Can you please tell me what the problem is, in more detail?

In my previous post, I was trying to explain to you why simply saying "messed up" does not help me help you.

Can you please describe the exact problem you're experiencing in more detail, including any error messages and any other relevant information?

Hello 21515. I've dealt with Fillip multiple times...and he's been "snarky" each & every time.
I've looked into the only other thread you've posted, and I can't find a single example of "snark" in that thread.

Trust me...he means to be snarky...which is not very helpful when customers have serious problems they're trying to solve...and adding "snarkiness" on top of the website issue does not help at all. Very unprofessional.
Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't actually find a record of you having made a purchase with us at any point. I apologise if I have offended you, but please do bear in mind that you are receiving free support for a free version of our product.
i think we should all try to get along, and fight less, we are all on the same team

maybe you can post more detail, so he can help you,

i also need filip to concentrate on programming like a good little robot,

so he can program more add-ons and then i can buy them and then finally become a millionaire and eventually billionaire!


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In my previous post, I was trying to explain to you why simply saying "messed up" does not help me help you.

You're focusing on only one very small portion of what I've posted in this thread. Yes I did use the words "messed up"...and I agree that more detail would be needed to explain what that means. But if you look closely at the post I made where I said "messed up"...there was MUCH MORE info provided in that single post...AND multiple issues were mentioned (unrelated to the "messed up" part).

The "messed up" part of that post was only a small portion of what I posted.

I've looked into the only other thread you've posted, and I can't find a single example of "snark" in that thread.

Trust me Fillip...this is not the first time. It could have also been via PM.

...but please do bear in mind that you are receiving free support for a free version of our product.

The quality of product support should always be top notch...whether it's a free/demo product or a paid for product.

What better way to encourage a customer to purchase a product than by providing top-quality support for ALL products (free/demo or paid for products)!:)
You're focusing on only one very small portion of what I've posted in this thread. Yes I did use the words "messed up"...and I agree that more detail would be needed to explain what that means.
I don't see anywhere in this post where the detail is posted, though. Can you please provide more details for this particular issue?

But if you look closely at the post I made where I said "messed up"...there was MUCH MORE info provided in that single post...AND multiple issues were mentioned (unrelated to the "mess up" part).
Sure, you also posted one other issue where your members receive a 404 when clicking threads. That could very well be related, so I wanted to explore the other issue first so that both of them could be resolved at the same time.

Trust me Fillip...this is not the first time. It could have also been via PM.

The quality of product support should always be top notch...whether it's a free/demo product or a paid for product.
Sure, but it's also very frustrating when I feel like I don't have enough information, and then I'm met with insults and misrepresentations when I express that frustration.

If you review this thread...I've tried my best to provide as much detail as possible...since my goal is NOT to argue with you...but to get my issues resolved with DBSEO.:)

Sure...there are probably area's where a screenshot would have been more helpful...and if that is true...all that was needed to be said was "Can you please post a screenshot of xyz issue?"

If you need something that would be helpful to help solve the issue(s)...just ask for it. I can't read your mind...and you cannot read mine.

The short curt one line responses you've given earlier in this thread are not helpful at all!:(
I just need to know what's happening with your article URLs. Please understand that I don't know how to ask you for more information when I don't know the actual problem.

Is the problem that the article URLs are not being rewritten?

Is the problem that the article URLs are being rewritten, but clicking them brings up an error message?
If so, what is the error message?

Is the problem that the article URLs are being rewritten, but clicking them brings up a blank page?
If so, have you checked your server error log?

Is the problem that the article URLs are being rewritten, but clicking them does something else entirely?
If so, what is happening?

Is the problem something else entirely?
If so, what is happening?

I am begging you, please don't make me guess what the problem is with your article URLs, I don't understand what the problem is based on your posts, I just need to know what the problem is. I understand you have a problem with the article URLs but I don't understand what the problem is with the article URLs.

Please help me help you.
I think I've mentioned in this thread that I'm experiencing multiple issues. The "Articles" issue is just one of them.

Earlier in the thread you asked me if I had DBSEO installed or installed properly...because you visited my site...and noticed that the DBSEO copyright wasn't displayed in the footer of the home page. The DBSEO copyright is now being displayed.

Right now (via the vBulletin Plugin Manager) I have the DBSEO plugin turned on...and ONLY have the following 2 of the 54 total DBSEO options turned on (screenshot below):
  • AdminCP DBSEO CP Link
  • Insert Control Panel Link

Maybe it would be easier to work on 1-2 easier to explain issues first.:)

Issue 1:

With having DBSEO settings setup as I mentioned...and with the .htaccess file modified with the code mentioned in the DBSEO Readme file...users of my website are saying that occasionally the website home page will not load due to "too many redirects".

Issue 2:

When members are subscribed to a thread...and a new post is made to that thread...these members receive a "new thread post" email. When these members click on the link in that email (which normally would take them directly to the thread)...instead of the link taking them to the thread...they get a 404 error page.

If I turn off DBSEO completely from the vBulletin Admin CP...these two issues go away.

Here's a screenshot of my vBulletin Plugin Manager settings for DBSEO:

Actually I should add that I did have a 3rd DBSEO setting was "Process Content: Email"...but I turned it off about 10 minutes ago to try to resolve the email link issue.
users of my website are saying that occasionally the website home page will not load due to "too many redirects".
Okay, that's good information. The most common cause for this issue is the "Force Forum Directory Index" setting in your DBSEO CP settings. Can you please find that setting and ensure it's turned off?

When members are subscribed to a thread...and a new post is made to that thread...these members receive a "new thread post" email. When these members click on the link in that email (which normally would take them directly to the thread)...instead of the link taking them to the thread...they get a 404 error page.
This is usually indicative of the .htaccess file not being modified, or that the DBSEO code is added after another redirect has taken place so it doesn't actually run.

Here's a screenshot of my vBulletin Plugin Manager settings for DBSEO:
Please turn all of these plugins back on, otherwise the mod will not function.
The most common cause for this issue is the "Force Forum Directory Index" setting in your DBSEO CP settings. Can you please find that setting and ensure it's turned off?

I found the "Force Forum Directory Index" setting. It was set to "Yes" (by default) is now set to "No".

This is usually indicative of the .htaccess file not being modified, or that the DBSEO code is added after another redirect has taken place so it doesn't actually run.

I think at the very beginning of this conversation...I needed to verify that I was modifying the correct .htaccess file. You verified that I should be modiying the .htaccess file in the "Forums" directory (the same directory that the other DBSEO files were uploaded to on my server).

I definitely added the DBSEO code to my .htaccess file in the "forums" directory. I'm not sure what to do next.

Please turn all of these plugins back on, otherwise the mod will not function.

I can certainly do this...but if I do...multiple website issues will occur...which is why I had most of these settings turned off.

Thanks for the help.:)
I'm not sure what to do next.
Is your CMS in the same directory as your forum files? If not, you may need to modify the .htaccess file in the directory containing your CMS as well.

You probably need to use the RewriteBase /forums/ directive, if your CMS is located in root and your forums is located in forums.

I can certainly do this...but if I do...multiple website issues will occur...which is why I had most of these settings turned off.
Multiple issues, such as...? If it's all related to 404 or redirect loops, then that's not multiple different issues.
Hello again Fillip. I'm thinking before we go any further...I probably need to figure out the .htaccess file issue.

I modified the .htaccess files in the "Forums" directory...but maybe there's some sort of redirect or something...and this "Forums" directory .htaccess file is not actually being used. There have been so many different people working on the site over the years...that almost anything is possible.

I did an experiment & removed the .htaccess file that was in the 'Forums" directory...and nothing happened to the website (good or bad). Which I think means that this "Forums" directory .htaccess file isn't being used or read by the site...and also probably means I need to modify a different .htaccess file somewhere else with the DBSEO code.

I'm not 100% sure where additional .htaccess files would be I guess I got to look around. You did mention the CMS directory.
modified the .htaccess files in the "Forums" directory...
I said that you needed to modify the .htaccess file in the same directory as your forum files. I never said the directory should be named "Forums".

Your forum is located in the domain root, so there should be a .htaccess file in the same directory as the forum.php file.
I said that you needed to modify the .htaccess file in the same directory as your forum files. I never said the directory should be named "Forums".

I guess I misunderstood.

Also...the Read Me file with the install instructions for DBSEO says:

"Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory."

One of the directory's on my server is called "Forums"...thus hopefully it can be seen there could be some confusion.:)

Your forum is located in the domain root, so there should be a .htaccess file in the same directory as the forum.php file.

I'm pretty sure I know where this is. I will look for the .htaccess file in the root directory...modify it with the DBSEO code...and see what happens.

I just took a look...and the forum.php file is located in a directory named "forums"...which is exactly the directory where the .htaccess file I've been modifying is located.

The path to this directory on my server is:

home >> public_html >> forums

Inside the "forums" directory is the both the forum.php file and the .htaccess file I've been modifying.

If I modify this .htaccess file...nothing happens on the site (good, bad, or neutral). Also (as an experiment) if I delete this .htaccess file...nothing happens to the site (good, bad, or neutral).

It's as if this .htaccess file isn't being used. Thus I'm not sure what to do...or what other .htaccess file to modify.

Have you tried contacting your host for assistance? If modifying htaccess files doesn't work then there's nothing I can do, you'll need to ask them for advice on how to get them working before I can assist further.
Hello @pigoo,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte SEO has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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Legacy DragonByte SEO

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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