I apologize for the delay in getting back to you on your issue. Tonight I've released a very-long-overdue update to vBCredits which contains dozens of bug fixes and improvements.
Can you please upgrade to the new v2.1.0 and let me know if your issue still persists? We can work from there now that all of the patches etc are up to date. Thanks! http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f77/vbcredits-ii-deluxe-v2-1-0-released-9187/
Hi, i'll post this in this thread as it seems to be a related issue.
I get this error when adding image to post with reference image locally ticked.
I also get an error when trying to upload the image from my computer.
You would be best starting a new thread so the developer is notified of the issue and can track the status of it - this issue has been marked as a fixed bug