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Have board 4.2.2 (new installation) and your latest arcade. When import games get this errors in my admincp:

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Every game 2 errors - line 248 and 252

Please some help.


i had the same issues choose to go back to 4.2.1.... now my finding and someone correct me if i am wrong please..... what php version you running? my understanding is 5.4 php is what needs to be run with the newest 4.2.2 upgrade...... you might want to have a look at that
Last edited:
I run php 5.3.26 and now is to late to go back to vb 4.2.1 ...

regards and thanks for reply - hope that Fillip H. will found some solutions ... games work and scores ..just come many errors when import games.

bosss Can you post the lines 240 through 260 in that file, it may make it easier for Fillip H. to identify the issue.
if you have a back up of the site from before your upgrade which you should...all you have to do is restore that back up to server.... optimize your vb and you should be good to go as that is what i did and all returned to previous functions and worked properly.

I and please this is my opinion only... am waiting for a few more of the bugs with this 4.2.2 update to be worked out... the 5.4 php.... in my opinion still has too many small i am gonna wait a few more months let the ginny pigs have the headaches lol and i'll switch then
bosss Can you post the lines 240 through 260 in that file, it may make it easier for Fillip H. to identify the issue.

I imported some more games and get errors in more lines in same file - ipa.php
errors were in lines 86, 88 and more ...

here is whole my ipa.php file

class vBArcade_ipa
var $imports = array('convert', 'upload');
var $title = 'ibProArcade';//also pnFlash
var $scoring = 2;//all

function output($game)
global $vbulletin, $template_hook;

foreach (array('HTTP_HOST', 'SERVER_NAME') AS $varname)
{ //multiple domain variables in multiple locations
foreach (array(@$_SERVER[$varname], @$_ENV[$varname], getenv($varname), @$GLOBALS[$varname]) AS $domain) { if ($domain) break; }

$template_hook['dbtech_vbarcade_game_prefix'] = '<script type="text/javascript">refreshScores = function(){};</script>';
$checksum = md5(file_get_contents(DIR . '/dbtech/vbarcade/media/' . $game['gameid'] . '/' . $game['flashfile'])); $flashvar = 'location=./&gamename=' . $game['gameid'] . '&hash=' . $checksum;
$template_hook['dbtech_vbarcade_game_vars'] = '?tgame=0&pn_gid=' . $game['gameid'] . '&pn_license=' . $game['license'] . '&pn_checksum=' . $checksum . '&pn_domain=' . str_replace('www.', '', $domain) . '&pn_uname=' . $vbulletin->userinfo['username'];
$template_hook['dbtech_vbarcade_game_params'] = '<param name="flashvars" value="' . $flashvar . '" />'; $template_hook['dbtech_vbarcade_game_attrs'] = ' flashvars="' . $flashvar . '"';

function input($sessionid)
{ //handle game communication
global $vbulletin, $db;
$insecure = false; $end = '';

if ($session = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session WHERE userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND sessionid = $sessionid"))
if ($_REQUEST['module'] == 'pnFlashGames' AND $_REQUEST['func'] == 'storeScore')
{ //pngflash
if (strpos($_REQUEST['score'], ':') !== false)
{ //convert times to seconds and update game
$score = array_map('intval', explode(':', $_REQUEST['score'])); $_REQUEST['score'] = ($score[0] * 3600) + ($score[1] * 60) + $score[2];
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_game SET decimals = -1 WHERE gameid = '" . $db->escape_string($session['gameid']) . "'");

$insecure = array('score' => TYPE_NUM, 'gid' => TYPE_NOHTML);
$end = '&opSuccess=true&endvar=1';
} //legacy ipa
else if ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'Arcade' AND $_REQUEST['do'] == 'newscore')
$insecure = array('gscore' => TYPE_NUM, 'gname' => TYPE_NOHTML);
vbsetcookie('vbarcade_session', false);
if ($insecure)
{ //insecure
$input = array_keys($insecure);
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', $insecure);
$score = $vbulletin->GPC[$input[0]];

if ($session['gameid'] == $vbulletin->GPC[$input[1]])
{ //scores approved, finish session
if ($session['status'])
{ //create incremental session
if ($session['chain']) $session = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session WHERE sessionid = " . intval($session['chain']) . " AND gameid = '" . $db->escape_string($session['gameid']) . "' AND userid = " . intval($session['userid']));

if ($session['score'] != $score)
{ //only way to guess if multiple vs duplicate
$matchid = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('c', COOKIE_PREFIX . 'vbarcade_match', TYPE_UINT);
$db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session (gameid, userid, ipaddress, timestart, status, timefinish, score, matchid) VALUES ('" . $db->escape_string($session['gameid']) . "', " . intval($session['userid']) . ", '" . $db->escape_string($session['ipaddress']) . "', " . $session['timefinish'] . ", 2, " . TIMENOW . ", $score, $matchid)");
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session SET chain = '" . $db->insert_id() . "' WHERE sessionid = $sessionid");
} //update original row only
else $db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session SET status = 2, timefinish = " . TIMENOW . ", score = $score WHERE sessionid = $sessionid");

if ($_REQUEST['autocom'] == 'arcade')
{ //secure
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'verifyscore' AND !$session['status'])//ie7?
{ //make sure its a living session
$verify = array(rand(1, 25), rand(1, 25));
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session SET status = 1, verify = '" . implode(',', $verify) . "' WHERE sessionid = " . $session['sessionid']);
print_output('&randchar=' . $verify[0] . '&randchar2=' . $verify[1] . '&savescore=1&blah=OK');
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'savescore' AND $session['status'] == 1)
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'gscore' => TYPE_NUM,
'arcadegid' => TYPE_NUM,
'enscore' => TYPE_NUM,
'gname' => TYPE_NOHTML

if ($session['gameid'] == $vbulletin->GPC['gname'] AND $verify = explode(',', $session['verify']) AND $vbulletin->GPC['enscore'] == ($vbulletin->GPC['gscore'] * $verify[0] ^ $verify[1]))
{ //scores approved, finish session - check time limit?
$db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session SET status = 2, timefinish = " . TIMENOW . ", score = " . $vbulletin->GPC['gscore'] . ", verify = '' WHERE sessionid = " . $session['sessionid']);
vbsetcookie('vbarcade_session', false);


function import($which, $perform = 0, $perpage = 20, $tags = array())
global $vbulletin, $db;

$cats = array(); foreach ($vbulletin->vbarcade['category'] AS $cid => $cat) $cats[$cid] = $cat['title'];

switch ($which)
case 'convert':
$good = $db->query_first("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list'");

if (!$perform)
{ //just see if installed
if ($good)
{ //send current categories
$_cats = $db->query_read("SELECT c_id, cat_name FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_cats ORDER BY pos ASC, cat_name ASC");
$cats = array(); while ($cat = $db->fetch_array($_cats)) $cats['cat-' . $cat['c_id'] . ':' . $cat['cat_name'] . ';'] = $cat['cat_name'];
$db->free_result($_cats); return $cats;
} //missing setting
else return false;
else $start = (($perform - 1) * $perpage);

if ($good)
$result = $search = $v32games = array();
$cols = array('cat' => 'gcat', 'sec' => 'game_type');

foreach ($tags AS $column => $value)
{ //prep for query use
if ($value AND array_key_exists($column, $cols)) $search[] = 'g.' . $cols[$column] . ' = ' . intval($value);
if ($vbulletin->GPC['initial'] AND $games = arcade_scandir($v32dir = DIR . '/arcade/gamedata', ''))
{ //only fix ibproarcade's secure settings once
foreach ($games AS $game)
{ //should have this file if its secured
if (is_file("$v32dir/$game/$game.txt")) $v32games[] = "'" . $db->escape_string($game) . "'";

if (sizeof($v32games)) $db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list SET game_type = 1 WHERE gname IN (" . implode(', ', $v32games) . ")");
if ($vbulletin->GPC['search']) $search[] = "CONCAT(g.gtitle, g.gwords) LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string_like($vbulletin->GPC['search']) . "%'";
$search[] = 'd.gameid IS ' . ( $vbulletin->GPC['inactive'] ? 'NOT ' : '' ) . 'NULL';

$games = $db->query_read("SELECT g.*, c.cat_name FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list AS g LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_cats AS c ON (c.c_id = g.gcat) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_game AS d ON (d.gameid = g.gname) WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $search) . " ORDER BY g.position ASC, g.gtitle ASC LIMIT $start, $perpage");

while ($game = $db->fetch_array($games))
$info = array(
'title' => $game['gtitle'],
'description' => nl2br($game['gwords']),
'badge' => 'arcade/images/' . $game['gname'] . '1.gif',
'scoring' => ( ($game['highscore_type'] == 'high') ? 2 : 1 ),
'play' => '../arcade/' . $game['gname'] . '.swf',
'timestamp' => $game['added'],
'tags' => array()

if (in_array($game['gname'], $vbulletin->GPC['select']))
{ //complete insert info
$info = array_merge($info, array(
'enabled' => $game['active'],
'displayorder' => $game['position'],
'instruction' => $game['object'],
'controls' => $game['gkeys'],
'width' => $game['gwidth'],
'height' => $game['gheight'],
'decimals' => $game['decpoints'],
'system' => 'ipa', //might be wrong
'license' => $game['license'],
'tourns' => $game['tourney_use'],
'flashfile' => 'arcade/' . $game['gname'] . '.swf',
'icon' => 'arcade/images/' . $game['gname'] . '2.gif'

if (is_dir($v32dir = DIR . '/arcade/gamedata/' . $game['gname']))
{ //copy all the junk out of the gamedata folder
foreach (arcade_scandir($v32dir, array('html'), array('v3game.txt', 'v32game.txt'), true) AS $file)
$info['copyfile'][$file] = $subdir = "$v32dir/$file";

if (is_dir($subdir))
{ //add required files from subdirectory
foreach (arcade_scandir($subdir, array('html', 'txt'), array(), true) AS $subfile) $info['copyfile']["$file/$subfile"] = "$subdir/$subfile";
if ($tag = trim($game['cat_name']))
{ //try to reuse the category
if (!$catid = array_search($tag, $cats))
if (in_array('cats', $vbulletin->GPC['extras']))
{ //add it and get catid
if (file_exists($icon = DIR . '/arcade/cat_imgs/' . ($caticon = $game['gcat'] . '.gif'))) copy($icon, DIR . '/dbtech/vbarcade/images/' . $caticon);
else $caticon = ''; //not using an icon

$cat = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_cats WHERE c_id = " . $game['gcat']);
$db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_category (enabled, title, displayorder, password, description, icon) VALUES (" . $cat['active'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string($tag) . "', " . $cat['pos'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string($cat['password']) . "', '" . $db->escape_string($cat['description']) . "', '" . $db->escape_string($caticon) . "')");
$vbulletin->vbarcade['category'][$catid = $db->insert_id()]['title'] = $cats[$catid] = $tag;
} //we arent adding missing cats
else $tag = '';

if ($tag) $db->query_write("REPLACE INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_relation (gameid, categoryid) VALUES ('" . $db->escape_string($game['gname']) . "', $catid)");
if (in_array('sess', $vbulletin->GPC['extras']))
{ //get whatever scores remain that arent copied already
$scores = $db->query_read("SELECT i.* FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_scores AS i LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_list AS g ON (g.gid = i.gid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session AS s ON (s.gameid = g.gname AND s.userid = i.mid AND s.timestart = i.datescored) WHERE s.sessionid IS NULL AND g.gname = '" . $db->escape_string($game['gname']) . "'");
while ($score = $db->fetch_array($scores)) $db->query_write("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_session (gameid, userid, ipaddress, timestart, timefinish, status, record, score, comment) VALUES ('" . $db->escape_string($game['gname']) . "', " . $score['mid'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string($score['ip']) . "', " . $score['datescored'] . ", " . ($score['datescored'] + $score['timespent']) . ", 3, 4, " . $score['score'] . ", '" . $db->escape_string($score['comment']) . "')");
if (in_array('opts', $vbulletin->GPC['extras']) AND !function_exists('save_settings'))
{ //if doing settings and not defined yet, do it once
require_once(DIR . '/includes/adminfunctions_options.php');
$settings = $db->query_first("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "games_settings LIMIT 1");
$sort = array('gtitle' => 'a', 'gcount' => 'm', 'added' => 'n', 'position' => 's');
$note = array('none' => 0, 'pm' => 1, 'mail' => 2, 'pm+mail' => 3);
$show = ( $settings['show_active'] ? unserialize($settings['show_active']) : array() );

save_settings(array( //only equivalents
'dbtech_vbarcade_default_sort' => $sort[$settings['g_display_sort']],
'dbtech_vbarcade_perpage' => $settings['games_pp'],
'dbtech_vbarcade_score_perpage' => $settings['scores_amount'],
'dbtech_vbarcade_allscores' => intval($settings['score_type'] == 'all'),
'dbtech_vbarcade_alert_types' => ( $settings['msgsys_hscore'] ? $note[$settings['notification']] : 0 ),
'dbtech_vbarcade_tourn_alert' => ( $settings['msgsys_tstart'] ? $note[$settings['notification']] : 0 ),
'dbtech_vbarcade_showplayers' => ( ($show['glist'] OR $show['play']) ? 4 : 0 ),
'dbtech_vbarcade_bannedips' => $settings['banned_ips'],
'dbtech_vbarcade_timer' => $settings['scoretimeout'],
'dbtech_vbarcade_tourn_limit' => ($settings['tourney_limit2'] * 24),
'dbtech_vbarcade_reminder' => ( $settings['tourney_limit1'] ? ($settings['tourney_limit2'] - $settings['tourney_limit1']) * 24 : 0 )

if ($game['gcat']) $info['tags']['cat-' . $game['gcat']] = $game['cat_name'];
if ($game['game_type']) $info['tags']['sec-1'] = 'Secure';
$result[$game['gname']] = $info;

return $result;
} break;

case 'upload':
$rawgid = end($path = explode('/', $perpage));
$path = implode('/', $path); //renamed
$ini = $php = false;

if ($good = (file_exists($ini = "$path/$rawgid.ini") OR ($php = $path . '/' . array_pop(arcade_scandir($path, 'php')) AND strpos(file_get_contents($php), '$config') !== false)))
if ($php)
{ //parse for config
$game = $config;
$gameid = $game['gname'];
{ //fix, parse, replace the ini file
file_put_contents($ini, preg_replace('/^(\w+)=(.*)$/mU', '$1="$2"', $orig = file_get_contents($ini)));
$game = array_map('trim', parse_ini_file($ini)); file_put_contents($ini, $orig);
$gameid = $rawgid;

$author = ( !$php ? $game['author'] : '' );
$active = ( $php ? $game['active'] : $game['status'] );

foreach (array("$path/gamedata/$gameid", "$path/gamedata") AS $v32dir)
{ //figure out possible gamedata folder
if (file_exists($v32game = "$v32dir/$gameid.txt")) break;
else $v32game = '';//remove it

$there = $db->query_first("SELECT gameid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dbtech_vbarcade_game WHERE gameid = '" . $db->escape_string($gameid) . "'");
if (($tags['sec'] AND !$v32game) OR ($tags['dev'] AND $tags['dev'] != $author) OR ($vbulletin->GPC['inactive'] XOR $there) OR ($vbulletin->GPC['search'] AND strpos(strtolower($game['gtitle'] . ' ' . $game['name'] . ' ' . $game['gwords'] . ' ' . $game['description']), strtolower($vbulletin->GPC['search'])) === false)) $good = false;

if (!$perform) return $good; //just see if matches

if ($good)
$badge = $path . '/' . $gameid . ( $php ? '1' : '' );

$info = array(
'title' => ( $php ? $game['gtitle'] : $game['name'] ),
'description' => nl2br( $php ? $game['gwords'] : $game['description'] ),
'badge' => str_replace(DIR . '/', '', ( file_exists($badge . '.jpg') ? $badge . '.jpg' : $badge . '.gif' )),
'scoring' => ( (($php AND (!array_key_exists('highscore_type', $game) OR $game['highscore_type'] == 'high')) OR $game['gameType'] == 1) ? 2 : 1 ),
'play' => str_replace(DIR, '..', $path) . '/' . $gameid . '.swf',
'timestamp' => 0,//unknown
'tags' => array()

if (in_array($gameid, $vbulletin->GPC['select']))
{ //if this is a v32 game copy that into media
$info = array_merge($info, array(
'enabled' => $active,
'author' => $author,
'width' => ( $php ? $game['gwidth'] : $game['width'] ),
'height' => ( $php ? $game['gheight'] : $game['height'] ),
'system' => 'ipa',
'flashfile' => str_replace(DIR . '/', '', $path . '/' . $gameid . '.swf'),
'icon' => ( $php ? str_replace(DIR . '/', '', $path . '/' . $gameid . '2.gif') : $info['badge'] ),
'instruction' => ( $php ? $game['object'] : '' ),
'controls' => ( $php ? $game['gkeys'] : '' )

if (is_dir($v32dir))
{ //copy all the junk out of the gamedata folder
foreach (arcade_scandir($v32dir, array('html'), array('v3game.txt', 'v32game.txt'), true) AS $file)
$info['copyfile'][$file] = $subdir = "$v32dir/$file";

if (is_dir($subdir))
{ //add required files from subdirectory
foreach (arcade_scandir($subdir, array('html', 'txt'), array(), true) AS $subfile) $info['copyfile']["$file/$subfile"] = "$subdir/$subfile";

if ($v32game) $info['tags']['sec-1'] = 'Secure';
if ($author) $info['tags']['dev-' . $author] = $author;
return array($gameid => $info);
} break;



if you have a back up of the site from before your upgrade which you should...all you have to do is restore that back up to server.... optimize your vb and you should be good to go as that is what i did and all returned to previous functions and worked properly.

I and please this is my opinion only... am waiting for a few more of the bugs with this 4.2.2 update to be worked out... the 5.4 php.... in my opinion still has too many small i am gonna wait a few more months let the ginny pigs have the headaches lol and i'll switch then

I have no backup for 4.2.1 - because I just start with 4.2.2.


Now I imported some games and get this (when click to go next page - imported next 25 games)

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/moc.php on line 218

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 82

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/pba.php on line 86

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

those lines comes up


Line 248

$rawgid = end($path = explode('/', $perpage));

Line 252

if ($good = (file_exists($ini = "$path/$rawgid.ini") OR ($php = $path . '/' . array_pop(arcade_scandir($path, 'php')) AND strpos(file_get_contents($php), '$config') !== false)))

Line 218

$show = ( $settings['show_active'] ? unserialize($settings['show_active']) : array() );

Line 82

'gscore' => TYPE_NUM,

Line 86



Please keep in mind that the line numbers are not all from the same file. Please observe the error messages you posted and post the correct lines from the correct files.

Thanks :)
Please keep in mind that the line numbers are not all from the same file. Please observe the error messages you posted and post the correct lines from the correct files.

Thanks :)

Sorry Balazor.... my mistake ..

Now will be right

errors from ipa.php

line 248

$rawgid = end($path = explode('/', $perpage));

line 252

if ($good = (file_exists($ini = "$path/$rawgid.ini") OR ($php = $path . '/' . array_pop(arcade_scandir($path, 'php')) AND strpos(file_get_contents($php), '$config') !== false)))

errors from moc.php

line 218

$rawgid = end($path = explode('/', $perpage));

errors from pba.php

line 82

$rawgid = end($path = explode('/', $perpage));

line 86

if ($good = (($php = $path . '/' . array_pop(arcade_scandir($path, 'php')) AND strpos(file_get_contents($php), '$game_data') !== false)))


Hello Fillip H. - I downloaded now and uploaded and reimported product file again and get again same errors

imported only 18 games and get this errors

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 248

Warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in ..../dbtech/vbarcade/systems/ipa.php on line 252


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Legacy vBArcade

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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