Question Finding and inputting relative value for different currencies | assistance request

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Okay it could be that I am just horrible at math, but I am working more with the credits system and trying to figure out how to add a relative value to a credit that I want to allow people to be able to transfer to/from. It may require turning this into a feature request for a future update, if it is deemed worthy.

I currently have two currencies. A web based one that you can earn through web triggered events, purchase if you would like, etc. It is an 'over all' currency and has been given a 'real world' value of $5.00 equals 20 credits; or 0.25 per credit.

I have a particular game online currency called Crowns. Crowns has a value of 500 Crown to every $5.00.

Ideally I would like to allow, on special occassions or for limited engagements, the ability to convert up to x amount of credits to crowns or perhaps vice versa.

However, to do so, I would need to be able to properly input their relative value for a proper conversion.

The relative value field exists, I am just not sure what I would but there or how I would calculate it?

Any help? Thank you!
So if I'm understanding this correctly, 500 Crowns has the same value as 20 Credits. 500 / 20 = 25, so there's 25 Crowns per 1 Credits.

If you set Credits to be the "master currency" (value of 1), I believe it will be correct if you set the value of Crowns to be 25.
You should test that before putting it live, but I'm reasonably certain that will be correct.

If that's not correct, try setting the value of Crowns to 0.04 (1 / 25).
Hello @chernabog,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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