Question Fixed in Next Version?


Submitted a bug report about our purchase not working properly.

It was closed with the message that it was fixed "In the next version" leaving us no opportunity to respond.

Where is the next version so we can download and resolve the bug?

We see no update or new version anywhere, the problem still exists.

If you have time, please leave a review on's Resource Manager.

Why would we leave a review when the "next version" wasn't posted for us to use (and evaluate) and the bug still exists?

What am I missing?
New versions are not released immediately, that would not be feasible. If someone reports 5 bugs over the course of 5 days, are you saying I should produce 5 releases?

That would make a lot of people very unhappy, as they would be forced to come back here every day to download a new update.

Have you taken a look at the bug reports forum for XenForo itself here: - did each of the resolved reports here produce a new release?

Can you please clarify why you believe addons should behave differently and not (to an extent) stagger releases?
Wow, I expected the product to simply WORK as advertised AND based on the query I made pre-sale.

Guess that was too much to ask.

The Customer acknowledges that the Software may not be free of bugs or errors, and agrees that the existence of errors shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement. The Customer agrees that the existence of errors shall not constitute the Software being "Not As Described".

No software is ever going to be bug free. That is almost entirely impossible.

I’m confused as to why you don’t feel the same way about XenForo itself? You seem to be entirely okay with it being riddled with bugs, as evidenced by the sub forum I linked in my previous post.

Could you also please answer the question in my previous post?
Why are we having this conversation?

Because I have nothing better to do on freaking Saturday?

Because I woke up and said, "Gee, I got nothing to do today, let's make something up! I'm gonna mess with those DB Tech guys!"

NO, we are having this convo because A) your product doesn't work as advertised AND B) you lied about the functionality of your product HERE...


You see Fillip, the correct answer is "Actually it is designed to, but it is a bug right now so NO..."


"No, it currently does not, but it will in the next version so hang tight."

Pretty simple eh?

We are having this conversation because YOUR PRODUCT does not work.

We are having this conversation because YOU LIED.

YOU and YOU. Do you know how to take responsibility?

And now I'm here on a Sunday arguing with someone who rather justify his mistakes, rather confess and/or apologize to them.

Could you also please answer the question in my previous post?


Application software of the magnitude of Xenforo OF COURSE will have bugs, it's code base is probably the size of War and Peace. Yes, I saw the post where one of the issues is Xenforo related.

Your add on is NOT application level but designed to do a VERY SPECIFIC thing ... a specific thing I ASKED FOR prior to buying. I did my due diligence, but my due diligence FAILED because someone lied. That was you Fillip.

It's kind of like buying a car stereo for an automobile and expecting it to perform its basic functions as advertised (like a radio?) and after buying it, you discover the radio doesn't work to which the manufacturer says, "Oh well, CARS are recalled all the time! Just deal with it!"

Give me a break.

No need to respond with a fresh set of justifications, you can close the ticket.

I'll take the blame for your software.
I'll take the blame for trusting someone who wasn't meant to be trusted.

I can be patient and wait until the software works as you described not less than 72 hours ago.
That is... I'm not sure how to respond to that, if I'm honest.

I would strongly disagree that being unaware of the presence of a bug constitutes as lying.

I plan to release the new version later today, but should you see this post before then, I want to point out that this morning I remembered there was an alternative way to access the permissions interface:
In the AdminCP, expand the "Groups & Permissions" menu, then click "User upgrade coupon permissions".

This interface uses a different set of templates that, as far as I can tell, are all present both on my dev board and in the released product.

I can only apologise that I forgot about this page's existence. If this page does not work as expected, do feel free to let me know.

I do wonder; you being unaware of the existence of this page - is that a valid reason for reacting the way you did, or did you lie when you said it doesn't work as I described?
If being unaware of the existence of a bug means I wilfully lied, then by the selfsame logic that must mean you wilfully lied when you said the product does not function as I described 🤔
Hello @MJohns,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte User Upgrade Coupons has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.

DragonByte User Upgrade Coupons

XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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