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DBSEO Issues:
1) Hovering over article thumbnail in CMS for some images would show "Article Preview" like it should, while hovering over others the thumbnail filename would show, for example "update.jpg".

2) Stopwords are not being filtered out. See this occurring in both CMS and Forum urls.

3) Need to strtolower article urls, they still have capitalization.

4) Currently DBSEO must be disabled through Project Manager or it will conflict with vbSEO. Disabling through control panel still leaves conflict errors, for example "Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO' not found in /home/cruisin/public_html/forum/dbtech/dbseo/hooks/showthread_similarthreadbit.php on line 4".
I also see this stated "From time to time, you may want to turn the modification off to the public while you perform maintenance, update versions, etc. When you turn the modification off, visitors will receive a message that states that it is temporarily unavailable." What type of message would "visitors" see? I have disabled the mod and haven't seen any message other than one within the dbseocp which I assume is not the one you are talking about.

5) Odd renaming of article images and attachments. DBSEO is somehow grabbing a DBTech Downloads Post url and using it as part of the renaming. Not sure how this is occurring.

6) vbSEO automatically adds 'attachments/' to all attachments in Forums this is not occurring in DBSEO.

7) Issue with non-standard characters in thread title causing renaming issue. (see Thread 3 example below)

Article 1
Article Title: Hundreds of NEW updates and enhancements on CRUISIN
Issues: capitalization, stopwords present, odd renaming of image full (name comes from an unrelated DBTech Downloads post)

vbSEO - Article url: CRUISIN - Hundreds of NEW updates and enhancements on CRUISIN
DBSEO - Article url:

vbSEO - image thumb:
DBSEO - image thumb:
NoSEO - image thumb:

vbSEO - image full:
DBSEO - image full:
NoSEO - image full:

Article 2
Article Title: Authorities give the final go ahead to attempt to re-float the Costa Concordia
Issues: capitalization, stopwords present, odd renaming of image thumb, full & attachment (names come from an unrelated DBTech Downloads post)

vbSEO - Article url: CRUISIN - Authorities give the final go ahead to attempt to raise the Costa Concordia
DBSEO - Article url:

vbSEO - image thumb:
DBSEO - image thumb:
NoSEO - image thumb:

vbseo - image full:
DBSEO - image full:
NoSEO - image full:

vbSEO - attachment:
DBSEO - attachment:
NoSEO - attachment:

Article 3
Article Title: Carnival Corporation & PLC Donates $2 Million To Aid Hurricane Sandy Victims
Issues: capitalization, stopwords present, odd renaming of image full & attachment (names come from an unrelated DBTech Downloads post)

vbSEO - Article url: CRUISIN - Carnival Corporation & PLC Donates $2 Million To Aid Hurricane Sandy Victims
DBSEO - Article url:

vbSEO - image thumb:
DBSEO - image thumb:
NoSEO - image thumb:

vbSEO - image full:
DBSEO - image full:
NoSEO - image full:

vbSEO - attachment:
DBSEO - attachment:
NoSEO - attachment:

Thread 1
Thread Title: Bringing own soda
Issues: 'attachments/' not being added to attachment url

vbSEO - Thread url: Bringing own soda
DBSEO - Thread url: Bringing own soda

vbseo - attachment url:
DBSEO - attachment url:
NoSEO - attachment url:

Thread 2
Thread Title: Carnival Dream Cabin Class 8G
Issues: 'attachments/' not being added to attachment url

vbSEO - Thread url: Carnival Dream Cabin Class 8G
DBSEO - Thread url: Carnival Dream Cabin Class 8G

vbSEO - attachment url:
DBSEO - attachment url:
NoSEO - attachment url:

Thread 3
Thread Title: $50 Onboard Credit - MasterCard Promotion (must sign up by 11/15/2012)
Issues: stopwords present, 'attachments/' not being added to attachment url, invalid attachment specified error due to a "$" in thread title (could not view thread with DBSEO enabled because of this error)

vbSEO Thread - url: $50 Onboard Credit - MasterCard Promotion (must sign up by 11/15/2012)
DBSEO Thread - url:

vbSEO - attachment url:
DBSEO - attachment url:
NoSEO - attachment url:
For the future, could you please provide examples underneath each issue you're reporting, instead of a collective at the bottom?

I am really struggling with scrolling back and forth to try to understand where everything is tied together, it's incredibly confusing :(

1) Hovering over article thumbnail in CMS for some images would show "Article Preview" like it should, while hovering over others the thumbnail filename would show, for example "update.jpg".
Please provide more details or specific examples.

2) Stopwords are not being filtered out. See this occurring in both CMS and Forum urls.
I'll look into this further, I can't guarantee I'll have it resolved for Beta 2 however.

3) Need to strtolower article urls, they still have capitalization.
vB CMS Article URLs are already SEO'd, you also have the option of changing the SEO URL for each article if you would like to get rid of capitals, though I don't believe including them negatively affects SEO.

It would also be much better for performance if you were to manually remove the stopwords from the article SEO URLs, though I'll add that to my list as well :)

4) Currently DBSEO must be disabled through Project Manager or it will conflict with vbSEO. Disabling through control panel still leaves conflict errors, for example "Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO' not found in /home/cruisin/public_html/forum/dbtech/dbseo/hooks/showthread_similarthreadbit.php on line 4".
I also see this stated "From time to time, you may want to turn the modification off to the public while you perform maintenance, update versions, etc. When you turn the modification off, visitors will receive a message that states that it is temporarily unavailable." What type of message would "visitors" see? I have disabled the mod and haven't seen any message other than one within the dbseocp which I assume is not the one you are talking about.
I'll look into adding class exists checks to all hook files, and correct the language since it's not applicable to this modification.

6) vbSEO automatically adds 'attachments/' to all attachments in Forums this is not occurring in DBSEO.
I will add the "Attachment Prefix" option

Please provide me with a phpMyAdmin account for your test forum so that I can look into this issue further.

Thread 3
Thread Title: $50 Onboard Credit - MasterCard Promotion (must sign up by 11/15/2012)
Issues: stopwords present, 'attachments/' not being added to attachment url, invalid attachment specified error due to a "$" in thread title (could not view thread with DBSEO enabled because of this error)

vbSEO Thread - url: $50 Onboard Credit - MasterCard Promotion (must sign up by 11/15/2012)
DBSEO Thread - url:

vbSEO - attachment url:
DBSEO - attachment url:
NoSEO - attachment url:
Please provide me with an FTP account and an account on your site so that I can look into this issue further.
Update: I have tested the "$50 onboard credit" thread title in the internal build of Beta 4 and I can confirm that this URL is now identical to the vBSEO version you posted, and both it + the attachments work perfectly.

I'm still awaiting feedback for the remaining questions.
Updates with Beta 4

1) Hovering over article thumbnail in CMS for some images would show "Article Preview" like it should, while hovering over others the thumbnail filename would show, for example "update.jpg".

It appears to be working as intended. Both alt and title attributes are the image name.​

2) Stopwords are not being filtered out. See this occurring in both CMS and Forum urls.

Appears to be fixed now.​

3) Need to strtolower article urls, they still have capitalization.

Appears to be fixed now.​

4) Currently DBSEO must be disabled through Project Manager or it will conflict with vbSEO. Disabling through control panel still leaves conflict errors, for example "Fatal error: Class 'DBSEO' not found in /home/cruisin/public_html/forum/dbtech/dbseo/hooks/showthread_similarthreadbit.php on line 4".
I also see this stated "From time to time, you may want to turn the modification off to the public while you perform maintenance, update versions, etc. When you turn the modification off, visitors will receive a message that states that it is temporarily unavailable." What type of message would "visitors" see? I have disabled the mod and haven't seen any message other than one within the dbseocp which I assume is not the one you are talking about.

Appears to be fixed now.​

5) Odd renaming of article images and attachments. DBSEO is somehow grabbing a DBTech Downloads Post url and using it as part of the renaming. Not sure how this is occurring.

Still seeing this. Article images appear alright on main CMS page but on article page the link to the image is broken do to somehow reference to a DBTech Download thread url is making it into the attachment url on rewrite.

See image attachments at these urls:

6) vbSEO automatically adds 'attachments/' to all attachments in Forums this is not occurring in DBSEO.

Appears to be fixed now.​

7) Issue with non-standard characters in thread title causing renaming issue. (see Thread 3 example below)

Partially fixed. Issue I reported previously was in reference to this Thread "$50 Onboard Credit - MasterCard Promotion (must sign up by 11/15/2012)".

In beta 1 I couldn't even get to the thread, now the url reference to the thread from the forums is correct and I can get to the thread. The issue now is that once on the actual thread page the url references within the thread page have issues:

Both the thread url and attachment url are missing the "0" after the 5 from the thread title rewrite.​


When testing and switching back and forth between vbSEO and DBSEO there appears to be an issue/delay. I only see this when switching to DBSEO. When switching back to vbSEO it seems with just a few seconds and a page refresh that it is working correctly. On the other hand when switching to DBSEO I get issues like: missing images (attachments), urls not being rewritten, etc and this seems to go on for minutes if not longer. The process I'm using to switch between to the two vbSEO to DBSEO: 1) edit htaccess, 2) enable DBSEO mod in DBSEO CP, 3) disable vbSEO in program manager.
Thanks for the updates :)

As for the delays, that could be a result of caching. Do you have any caching enabled in vBSEO?

For the record, b5 will support caching using the same configuration as the vBulletin data store caching in config.php - no changes will be needed to activate it :)
As for the delays, that could be a result of caching. Do you have any caching enabled in vBSEO?

For the record, b5 will support caching using the same configuration as the vBulletin data store caching in config.php - no changes will be needed to activate it :)

Yes, currently have vbSEO set up with xCache.

I like idea of implementing it with the datastore setup, the less additional setup/settings required the better in my opinion on this. Are you also going to set an automatic prefix with the DBSEO cached items, like "dbseo-xxx"?
Indeed I am, it'll read the datastore prefix from config.php and append _dbseo_ to the prefix in order to make it truly unique.

My first priority will be to cache data that may be sent to queries, then I'll work on caching things like URL formats (though that may not make it in b5 since I'll need to do some trickery on update of the formats).
May have come across something else...

It appears that vbSEO adds "-a" to the thread title when rewriting Forum urls if the thread contains an image in the original thread posting.

Someone else want to confirm this?
From what others have said, it adds an -a if the SEO title ends in a number. That was fixed in b4 though.
I've uploaded tonight's build of b5 to your site, and the URL generation issue with the $50 thread seem to have been rectified.

I would recommend making the following changes to your php.ini file:
xcache.cacher = Off
in order to turn off opcode caching. Alternatively, you can install vB Optimise Lite which supports clearing the opcode caching as well as the variable cache.

This may alleviate your "15 minutes of brokenness". Meanwhile, I have disabled XCache integration with your datastore to prevent further 404 errors.

I will post back when I have more information regarding your other outstanding issues.
From what others have said, it adds an -a if the SEO title ends in a number. That was fixed in b4 though.

That makes sense for what I was seeing.

It appears fixed now in b5, but I thought it wasn't in b4 as far as the on thread url references.

Actually, when on the thread I'm seeing the "-a" on the on page thread url but still not on the image attachment url.
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I've fixed the CMS attachment issues - there were far too many flaws in that setup than I care to admit, but suffice it to say it should be working fine now :)

Also, I believe I took care of the -a issue on the image attachment URL - doubtful I'll have time to verify it as it's due to be released within the next 2 hours, but I'm 95% sure it will work :)

EDIT: I left DBSEO enabled on your site, in case you wanted to switch back for the time being.
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I've fixed the CMS attachment issues - there were far too many flaws in that setup than I care to admit, but suffice it to say it should be working fine now :)

It appears the CMS issues I had are definitely cleared up now ...along with some other issues I didn't know I had. Thanks.

Also, I believe I took care of the -a issue on the image attachment URL - doubtful I'll have time to verify it as it's due to be released within the next 2 hours, but I'm 95% sure it will work :)

I can confirm this also appears to be fixed now.

EDIT: I left DBSEO enabled on your site, in case you wanted to switch back for the time being.

I leave it up and continue to test on it for now.


One issue that has seemed to just pop up is a "--" (double dash) on CMS urls where a stop word is removed and it's dash separator hasn't been.
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