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Former Developer
Starting with Dragonbyte Gallery 1.2.0 you will be able to add Navigation Manager entries and have the permissions work for them. It's not the easiest to do so here are some instructions.

First thing is to get the shortname for the gallery you are creating the links for and keep it handy. The default one is gallery, for this example, lets say you have a Gallery Instance setup and the shortname is called imglink

First create your main Navigation Entry

In Navigation Manager click Add Tab

Product: Dragonbyte Gallery
Title: Your Nav Name
Target URL: dbtgallery.php?gal=imglink
Active: Yes
Display Order: 50 (or whatever you want for order)
Show Permission Name: imglink_view
Append 'tabid' to URL: No
Tab Script(s): dbtech_gallery

Notice the show permission name. The main tab has the show permission name of <your gallery shortname>_view
Also the gal= at the end of the target url has the same shortname

Now for the sub nav

On the Edit dropdown for the Gallery nav link, select Add Link

Title: Main Page
Target URL: dbtgallery.php?gal=imglink&do=main
Active: Yes
Display Order: 10
Show Permission Name: imglink_view

Notice the same permission and gal=

Now repeat it for the rest of the links

Title: Add Album
Target URL: dbtgallery.php?gal=gallery&do=add_album
Active: Yes
Display Order: 20
Show Permission Name: imglink_album

Title: Upload Images
Target URL: dbtgallery.php?gal=imglink&do=add_image
Active: Yes
Display Order: 30
Show Permission Name: imglink_upload
Title: My Profile
Target URL: dbtgallery.php?gal=imglink&do=profile
Active: Yes
Display Order: 40
Show Permission Name: member

Title: Add Profile Image
Target URL: dbtgallery.php?gal=imglink&do=add_prof_image
Active: Yes
Display Order: 50
Show Permission Name: member

After you do this you can now edit the Gallery instance and set the Navigation Link? to No

If the tab does not show as selected when you click on it, set "Append 'tabid' to URL" to yes in the navigation manager for the tab you created.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.
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I´ve deactivated the 2 navbar plugins (Nav Button 4.2) because I want to create my own buttons on the navigator manager and set permissions to only show the button to admins, but I have created the tab and I don´t see it....
You aren't supposed to disable any plugins. If you are manually creating the nav entries then just edit the gallery instances and set the field Navigation Link? to No.
if I set Show Permission Name: imglink_view the tab is not showed....

if I delete that part, the tab is showed..can you check that?
Read through the directions again, imglink is just a sample gallery shortname. You need to replace it with whatever gallery shortname you are using.
If I hide the normal tab (to insert my own tab) after I press the link of my tab I´m redirected to the gallery, but my tab is not active (the forum tab still active)....

which is the problem?
Try setting "Append 'tabid' to URL" to yes in the navigation manager and see if that fixes it.
I followed your instructions and created a second Gallery tab on the NAV bar through Navigation manager. I've added additional links under my Gallery Tab.

Now, I have my Gallery Tab followed by your Gallery Tab referring to the same Gallery. How do I remove your Gallery tab (the default install) tab?

I followed your instructions and created a second Gallery tab on the NAV bar through Navigation manager. I've added additional links under my Gallery Tab.

Now, I have my Gallery Tab followed by your Gallery Tab referring to the same Gallery. How do I remove your Gallery tab (the default install) tab?

View attachment 3386

It's at the end :)

After you do this you can now edit the Gallery instance and set the Navigation Link? to No
It's at the end :)

Ok - I see. I have added the MAIN first instance to the NAV Manager instead of creating my own instance... Is there a way to copy the first instance to a second so I add a second to the NAV Manager and remove the first instance? This is kind of a pain not taking advantage of the NAV Manager...
Ok - I see. I have added the MAIN first instance to the NAV Manager instead of creating my own instance... Is there a way to copy the first instance to a second so I add a second to the NAV Manager and remove the first instance? This is kind of a pain not taking advantage of the NAV Manager...

I'm kind of confused lol. You don't have to add a new gallery instance. I was just using a new one as an example. You can create nav manager entries for the OOB instance.
If you want to give me temp admin I'll look and get it worked out.

Could you please create and PM me with a temporary AdminCP account?

For security reasons, we recommend you create a new AdminCP account only for DBTech support, then disable or delete it after we have both confirmed the issue has been solved and there are no further issues. It should ideally be a temporary account created for us only. If we have created an account on your site already, you can optionally boost that account to Administrator and then de-admin this account once the issue has been solved.

If you use a .htaccess password protection for your AdminCP directory, it is recommended that you create a new authorised user for DBTech and remove this user once the issue has been solved.

Please test any temporary accounts you create to ensure that the AdminCP account can access the administrative controls for the product we are assisting you with.

Ensuring this is all in order before submitting the information will significantly speed up the process of assisting you. We will alert you via PM if there's any issues with the login information you have provided.

When sending the PM, for your security you should also un-tick the "Save a copy in my Sent Items folder" checkbox. When the access details have been received, we will delete the PM from our inbox. Ensuring you have not kept a copy of the PM reduces the risk of security breaches.

Thank you for helping us debug our products and allowing us to assist you, we appreciate it
Is there documentation for this product? I'd really like to figure out how to edit the images I've added to an album and I don't see that...
I follow the instructions and it works but........
When I click on one of the links ( as example Upload images) I go to the page upload images (works fine) but my navigation links are gone.
So I must click again on the gallery NavTab to see the navigation links.
Any idea?
I follow the instructions and it works but........
When I click on one of the links ( as example Upload images) I go to the page upload images (works fine) but my navigation links are gone.
So I must click again on the gallery NavTab to see the navigation links.
Any idea?

Can you post a screenshot of that? I've never seen that before.
I just went to your site and it looked fine?
Please see the attachment.
The reason why you don't see it now is I have dissable the own button and use now th default button.


  • misssing_links.webp
    25.8 KB · Views: 5
Ah so it loses focus on the gallery tab and goes back to the Forum tab or something like that. I get it now. I misread it, thought all the links link Forum,Home,About Us, etc disappeared :)
Could I get temp admin? Off hand I would think that would only happen if the product link wasn't set to the gallery and it was set with vBulletin or something like that as Parent. If those are all ok then I'd need to take a look and see.
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Legacy DragonByte Gallery

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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