Bug Gifting Not Working As Intended?

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Oro Jackson

Gifting items isn't working as intended, or I'm doing something terribly wrong.

ITEM: Usergroup Change [Secondary Usergroup ADD for X number of days]
Giftable: YES
Only Giftable: NO
PM on gift: YES
Unique: NO
Exclusive: NO
Allow Re-Configuration: NO
Allow Re-Gift: YES
Force Hidden: NO

The secondary group has a special group banner on it. (group banner for user groups in vanilla XF)

When I click on the "gift" option for this item, enter username & message and then purchase the gift, it does gift the item to the user I wanted to gift and shows up in their inventory too, however I am also added to that shop item usergroup but there is no item in my inventory, I know I am added to that shop item because the special group banner shows on my account too and in the admin control panel changelog it shows that I was added to that usergroup by myself (just at the time of purchase).

I don't think this is working as intended, however please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
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It is half working as intended - meaning, you're supposed to be given the item then instantly having it gifted, but either the item activation should be skipped on purchase, or the secondary usergroup should be taken away upon gifting the item.

I'm going to investigate further and let you know if I need more information or if I've been able to resolve it for tomorrow's update :)
Thanks a ton Fillip, the latest update has fixed the issue and it doesn't activate it for the user gifting but only for the gifted person.

You're a champ when it comes to customer service! :D Honestly, Dragonbyte Tech is the first add-on creators that we've subscribed to, it is the first third-party paid add-on we use for our community. We had a lot to think about, since we like to rely less on third party. But I've been very happy with Dragonbyte and the product. Thanks a ton!
Hello Oro Jackson,

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Thank you!
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DragonByte Shop

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
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