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When we are trying ot create one we are confused on how to actually created one. Any help would be awsome.

Ok Firstly go to the Tripple triad area of your site and then click on the Tournaments tab, then click "Create"

you will see the following:

Tournament Name - Give your tournament a name (for example Neo's Card Tourny)
Tournament size - The number of people maximum that can enter this tournament (EG 4 will allow up to four people to enter)
User Set - Select the Card set you want your tournament to use (EG Final Fantasy 8 Card Set (Default set))

Tournament Rules:

Open - all cards are turned face up so both players can see each others cards
Combo - Combos happen if you trigger one of the Same,Plus,Same Wall rules and will allow you to flip other cards that would be flipped if the card flipping them would of done so being placed there that turn.
Same - allows two sides touching numbers the same as them to be flipped
Same wall - wall sides cound as A so similar to the same rule only with numbers touching the edge of the grid.
Plus - when two card values add to the same total EG 4 touching a 1 and a 2 touching a 3 both total 5)
Random - random cards are selected from your selected set by the CPU.
Sudden Death - cards are mixed between players so you can end up with some of your opponents cards to play with.
Elemental - if selected uses elements randomly placed on the grid to boost or reduce card values placed ontop of them, elemental cards with the element showing on the grid get +1 to all stats otherwise it gets -1 to all stats.

Match Timeouts - the maximum time players matches last for (Eg ten minuites, if the match is undecided after this time the match times out and whoever had the most cards wins)
Deck size - limits a user to use a certain amount of cards throughout the tournament, (EG if set to 5 the players 5 cards selected will be used all the way through and cannot be changed, if set to higher the user can substitue cards each match if they wish)
Prize - the amount of money/currency the winner of the tournament will get.

hope this helps.

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