Bug Home Tab missing for custom usergroup

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I have a custom usergroup (community) set up for new registered users. I just noticed today that anyone who is set as "community" as their primary usergroup the home tab is not visible.
There is no usergroup permissions for this just simply on and off.
I fixed this on your site, in the ACP left pane, under vBulletin CMS / Permissions you did not have the usergroup ticked under the column, Can Read

You may want to visit it and see if you want that usergroup to be able to, Can Download Attachments as all your other usergroups except banned can.
I was right! You are the best!
You know I was sure it was a permission issue and I looked everywhere. I can't believe I forgot to look there. :o

Thanks Ozzy.
Not a problem, I figured it was not a issue with the vBNavTabs mod, so I had a look around and found it there.:)
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Legacy vBNavTabs

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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