Question How can I see the "order field" that someone places with their order ?

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I set up an "order field", with 5 options ranging from no border to 4 inch border (see screenshot below)

A value is selected during order placement, but the field doesn't appear in the order.
Is there something I need to do to make the users selection visible when the order comes through ?


Mo Thomson

You will need these fields configured per-product:
(This being how we handle Professional Installation, your fields and forums will vary :) )
I eventually found a thread post for the custom order field, which showed the value, but it didn't appear in the order itself.

It would be useful if the order showed the field, when the order is created, but as long as it's somewhere that's fine.

Just having one other wee problem atm, trying to place a photo print order of the Forth Bridge as an unregistered / anonymous user.

I get all the way past the card payment screen, then it gives "You must be logged-in to do that." error

The following is in the server log, is it maybe that unregistered users can't create an order ?

  • TypeError: Argument 3 passed to DBTech\eCommerce\Service\Order\Complete::__construct() must be an instance of XF\Entity\User, bool given, called in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 270
  • src/addons/DBTech/eCommerce/Service/Order/Complete.php:40

  • Generated by: Unknown account
  • Nov 14, 2020 at 11:41 PM

Stack trace​

#0 src/XF/Container.php(270): DBTech\eCommerce\Service\Order\Complete->__construct()
#1 src/XF/App.php(1665): XF\Container->createObject()
#2 src/XF/Container.php(228): XF\App->XF\{closure}()
#3 src/XF/App.php(2953): XF\Container->create()
#4 src/addons/DBTech/eCommerce/Purchasable/Order.php(250): XF\App->service()
#5 src/XF/Payment/AbstractProvider.php(172): DBTech\eCommerce\Purchasable\Order->completePurchase()
#6 src/addons/AddonFlare/PaidRegistrations/XF/Payment/Stripe.php(48): XF\Payment\AbstractProvider->completeTransaction()
#7 payment_callback.php(63): AddonFlare\PaidRegistrations\XF\Payment\Stripe->completeTransaction()
#8 {main}

Request state​

array(4) {
["url"] => string(40) "/payment_callback.php?_xfProvider=stripe"
["referrer"] => bool(false)
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["_xfProvider"] => string(6) "stripe"
["_POST"] => array(0) {
I installed the latest version 2.2.4 and it no longer gives the error in the logs, but xenforo pops up saying "You must be logged-in to do that."

I think it tries to show the order, but anonymous user doesn't appear to be able to view the order.
What permissions are you using for anonymous users for it to work ?
They'll receive an email update when their order ships, so they will still be kept up to date. Building a secure order viewing option for guest users is currently outside the scope of this add-on, as it's preferred for users to be authenticated when checking out.
They'll receive an email update when their order ships, so they will still be kept up to date. Building a secure order viewing option for guest users is currently outside the scope of this add-on, as it's preferred for users to be authenticated when checking out.

No probs, I might to force them to sign up before deciding to purchase anything
One last thing, I think it would be a great option if the anonymous user at least got a message (customisable) on screen saying "Thank you for your order, which has been placed, you will receive an email with confirmation"

It's the abrupt end of the ordering, with the "you need to be signed in to to that" message that will make the person unsure if the order went through or not.
I have tried buying products as unregistered users, the purchase does come through into to the system, but it looks like an error to unregisted users after they purchase something with the "You must be logged-in to do that." message on the homepage.

So, rather than being dropped into a screen with an error warning, could the purchase that they just made be displayed or is there a way to send them to a screen with "thanks for your order, please check you email for a receipt" message ?
If there is no way of showing them what they just ordered, it would be useful to be able to at least re-direct them to a custom page that already exists (and thanking them for their order)
I really like this add on, it's so in depth and well made, but there is just one wee thing stopping me using it atm.

Is there a template or PHP tweak I can make to allow anonymous orders to go to a predefined page (eg, your order has been placed).
I know they get an email invoice, but it looks like an error when they place the order and then can't see it and can only see the "you must be logged in" error.
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