Bug I can't download any invoices, also some bugs

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When people edit their threads, they get awarded the same credits amount they receive when creating a thread, this is a bug and could result in potential unlimited credits.
This is not a bug. You need to set up the negation amount in the event.

I get a php error which doesn't let me download any invoices.
Invoices are unavailable until such a time as we move to XF2 and have a better invoicing system set up, sorry.
With Poll Votes this doesn't seem to work. Even if you set the negation, it does only work if the user does change the vote but votes the same poll option.

If he changes vote, he has the credits awarded each time.
I also noticed the "Post" event trigger doesn't work if you set it to charge users when posting a reply. Even if they do have the required amount (I set it to the ridiculous sum of 1 credit just for testing purposes) they do receive an error popup saying they can't perform the action because they need 1 credit (and they own more than 3000 credits).
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Please do not post separate issues in the same thread, as this thread has already been marked as "not a bug" due to the fact that the original issue was an error on your end.

I also noticed the "Post" event trigger doesn't work if you set it to charge users when posting a reply. Even if they do have the required amount (I set it to the ridiculous sum of 1 credit just for testing purposes) they do receive an error popup saying they can't perform the action because they need 1 credit (and they own more than 3000 credits).
I am unable to replicate this issue, sorry.

Also, manipulating currency of others seem to be broken, it doesn't do anything after you safe the new amount, meaning that after refreshing the page you still see the old amount of credits.
This is not a bug. You need an "Adjust" event for the specified currency in order to manipulate currencies.

As the issue in the OP has been solved, I'll close this thread.
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DragonByte Credits

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