Ideas for 1.1 (Great work tho on Version 1!)
Donate Page:
* Needs to have a field so you can optionally input a reason why you are donating (logged in history).
* After you submit your donation, it should come up with a donation successful message.
* When putting in the username, it should use AJAX and try and work out who you mean.
Your Wallet:
* Maybe make the 'Your Wallet: x points' a link which goes to a vbcredits page if the user has chosen that as there method of integration. If the user has not chosen vbcredits as the integration then leave it as is. (I am assuming that vbcredits has some kind of page the user can go to which breaks down there points or something.
Possible Bug:
* I donated to Fillip H. 1 point. But when I click on Purchase History nothing shows up.
Main Page:
When I go to: - The only item showing up is Italic Username. It says it costs 1,000 Gil and I only have 529. So I am assuming that is why I can't buy it, but it is not very clear. There should be a Buy button and when the user clicks on it, they are told they don't have enough points and with (an admincp option to insert) a link in that message, to where the user can find out how to earn points.
Item Shop: (with a main page idea)
* Clicking on Item Shop/DBT Shop, it is the exact same page as the main page. I feel the Main page should be different and show which items are the most popular.
* Not able to test anything as I don't have enough points and there are not many items at this stage in your demo.
Gift Shop:
* Not able to test "There are no items in the shop."
Profile: Music Player where members can purchase tracks for their profile. With a page where they can manage their tracks (order, enable, disable, edit, delete). On the page where members can purcahse tracks, they should be able to either select tracks from a preset list that the admin has already added through the admincp, or be able to input an .mp3 link.
Donate Setting:
* Admincp setting to allow admins to be able to do an Admin Donate without being charged points. So the admin can choose to either donate normally or through an Admin donate link.
I am looking forward to testing the shop some more and seeing screenshots of the backend so I can give some more advise for version 1.1 or later versions. Great work tho on Version 1. It sure is looking promising! So impressed with what you guys (Bel ^^) did in such a short time.
ps. I am sure you probably already have all this planned and lots lots more
Donate Page:
* Needs to have a field so you can optionally input a reason why you are donating (logged in history).
* After you submit your donation, it should come up with a donation successful message.
* When putting in the username, it should use AJAX and try and work out who you mean.
Your Wallet:
* Maybe make the 'Your Wallet: x points' a link which goes to a vbcredits page if the user has chosen that as there method of integration. If the user has not chosen vbcredits as the integration then leave it as is. (I am assuming that vbcredits has some kind of page the user can go to which breaks down there points or something.
Possible Bug:
* I donated to Fillip H. 1 point. But when I click on Purchase History nothing shows up.
Main Page:
When I go to: - The only item showing up is Italic Username. It says it costs 1,000 Gil and I only have 529. So I am assuming that is why I can't buy it, but it is not very clear. There should be a Buy button and when the user clicks on it, they are told they don't have enough points and with (an admincp option to insert) a link in that message, to where the user can find out how to earn points.
Item Shop: (with a main page idea)
* Clicking on Item Shop/DBT Shop, it is the exact same page as the main page. I feel the Main page should be different and show which items are the most popular.
* Not able to test anything as I don't have enough points and there are not many items at this stage in your demo.
Gift Shop:
* Not able to test "There are no items in the shop."
Profile: Music Player where members can purchase tracks for their profile. With a page where they can manage their tracks (order, enable, disable, edit, delete). On the page where members can purcahse tracks, they should be able to either select tracks from a preset list that the admin has already added through the admincp, or be able to input an .mp3 link.
Donate Setting:
* Admincp setting to allow admins to be able to do an Admin Donate without being charged points. So the admin can choose to either donate normally or through an Admin donate link.
I am looking forward to testing the shop some more and seeing screenshots of the backend so I can give some more advise for version 1.1 or later versions. Great work tho on Version 1. It sure is looking promising! So impressed with what you guys (Bel ^^) did in such a short time.
ps. I am sure you probably already have all this planned and lots lots more