Question Is Maximum Earned Applies To Per Transaction Only?

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We have several events and we've set a limit for maximum earned credits in 1 day. To our understanding the 'maximum earned' applies to the total credits earned in a given timespan. But upon checking we were able to earn credits beyond the limit within the set timespan.

Digging deeper we found out that the 'maximum earned' setting applies only to per transaction. Which means the events that rewards more credits than the 'maximum earned' amount will be skipped. But if the event reward is lower than the 'maximum earned' it will keep on triggering even if the total amount within the timespan exceeds the 'maximum earned' amount.

Not sure if it's a bug or by design. If it's not a bug could we change it to apply to total earnings and not per transaction. Anyway we could control the reward amount in the event settings so it's kinda redundant to have that in currency settings.
I've identified a potential issue where it seems like the maximum earned only checked for transaction entries that were skipped (f.ex. because the transaction was outside the event's limits).

That being said, given that this is very old code, I'll need to run more tests to make sure I'm not introducing obvious new issues. I'll keep this open and post back when I have more information :)
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future release (5.8.1).

Change log:
Fix: The currency setting "Maximum Earned" did not work as intended

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