Mohammed Al Hosni
I have noticed that your product not supporting Arabic language
we can't search in Ajax for any Arabic word only English words!
Also when we are editing and file if the language in Arabic it will come in bad characters and not clear like this below:
( ط§ظ„طھط´ط±ظٹط¹ط§طھ ظˆط§ظ„ظ‚ظˆط§ظ†ظٹظ† ط§ظ„ظ…طھط¹ظ„ظ‚ط© ط¨ط§ظ„ط§ظ†طھط±ظ†طھ ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ط¯ظˆ )
please solve this issues and also I want to remind you a few suggestions
some of them will complete one year now and no action till now from your side
Thanks a lot
I have noticed that your product not supporting Arabic language
we can't search in Ajax for any Arabic word only English words!
Also when we are editing and file if the language in Arabic it will come in bad characters and not clear like this below:
( ط§ظ„طھط´ط±ظٹط¹ط§طھ ظˆط§ظ„ظ‚ظˆط§ظ†ظٹظ† ط§ظ„ظ…طھط¹ظ„ظ‚ط© ط¨ط§ظ„ط§ظ†طھط±ظ†طھ ظپظٹ ط§ظ„ط¯ظˆ )
please solve this issues and also I want to remind you a few suggestions Display Order
In the manage category section. we need a "Display Order". Since i have many categories i need to be able to put them according to a certain order (based on importance).
also something that i just notice. its best if in the Category manager you get Main Categories then their children below them. just like in "Forum Manager" where everything goes in a organized and tied form. I love it if it looked like that. also the drop down menu should be affected
also: of files in a Category
This is something that i think is necessary, i want thinking if you could add a number of files in a category, so people would know how many files is in there. and maybe, an option to see the latest upload to that category.
this is what I mean, in the Main page, it should only show a total number like (25) under the description above the "sub-categories". but when you go into "subcategories" there is a place where there is "category name" and "category description". now 2 more things should be added there. "number of files in this category" and "lastest file uploaded". practically i mean 2 more columns.
Thanks alot. i really hope this gets considered cause i think is a very important issue. not essential, but important. to keep things more organized and under control.
some of them will complete one year now and no action till now from your side
Thanks a lot