Question Issues with VBSEO to DBSEO migration and Likes

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I have a couple of issues after we migrated from VBSEO and its likes system to DBSEO and the Likes/Thanks add-on.

We ran the migration tool and it completed so I assumed it worked.

First when you go into a user profile the only Likes I see are ones I've given in the last day since installing the new system, although it shows pages of prior likes that can supposedly be navigated to when I try that it takes me somewhere else in my profile, it does not show any prior likes from the VBSEO system, even those that are say just a few days old and which I gave or received a few days before the migration.

Second, in VBSEO like there was always a LARGE number at the top of a thread page showing the total number of likes that this thread had received, that no longer displays, does DB's likes system not have that feature/capability?

Third, my users, and myself hate the format of the DB likes/thanks system where it creates another divider bar below every single post and has the icons for thanks/likes, it makes the whole thread display look "cluttered" and as if there are lots more messages than there actually are since the horizontal line is the same color as the header bar on each post. The VBSEO system had simply the word "Like" slightly above the Reply / Quote buttons in the lower right hand corner of the post window. Is it possible to do away with the horizontal bar and simply relocate the Like icon/link into the lower right hand body of the message at or near the same location that VBSEO placed it?

Fourth the total likes given/received reset to zero with the DB system installed, I would have thought it would have kept the totals from the prior VBSEO system in the migration. Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance with your assistance to these matters.
First when you go into a user profile the only Likes I see are ones I've given in the last day since installing the new system, although it shows pages of prior likes that can supposedly be navigated to when I try that it takes me somewhere else in my profile, it does not show any prior likes from the VBSEO system, even those that are say just a few days old and which I gave or received a few days before the migration.

Fourth the total likes given/received reset to zero with the DB system installed, I would have thought it would have kept the totals from the prior VBSEO system in the migration. Is this a bug?.
I have ran the maintenance actions found under DBTech - Post Thanks and this appears to have rebuilt the counters & the post cache as intended.

Please note that only entries from the past 30 days are displayed on member profiles, for performance reasons. You can set this number higher by editing the relevant setting in the vBulletin Options, but it is strongly recommended that you leave it at its default value, in order to ensure the smooth performance of your member profile pages, considering the size of your forum.

Second, in VBSEO like there was always a LARGE number at the top of a thread page showing the total number of likes that this thread had received, that no longer displays, does DB's likes system not have that feature/capability?
It does not, no.

Third, my users, and myself hate the format of the DB likes/thanks system where it creates another divider bar below every single post and has the icons for thanks/likes, it makes the whole thread display look "cluttered" and as if there are lots more messages than there actually are since the horizontal line is the same color as the header bar on each post. The VBSEO system had simply the word "Like" slightly above the Reply / Quote buttons in the lower right hand corner of the post window. Is it possible to do away with the horizontal bar and simply relocate the Like icon/link into the lower right hand body of the message at or near the same location that VBSEO placed it?
I have enabled the new, modern compact style, which you can see an example of if you go to the "Moderator Duties - Sticky" thread on your forum where I tested the Like button on what I assume is your user profile.
Fillip H.,
When I go to my profile and click the tab for likes/thanks it shows only likes going back to September 1st when DB Likes was installed. It also shows a page navigation for 1-7 pages of more likes, but if you click on say the 2 to go to the second page of likes, IT DOESN'T WORK. It takes you to a photo from the gallery tab for some reason.

Also the Notifications at the top of the page that tell me I have 2 new Likes, when I click on that notification again it takes me to my profile but shows me the Gallery tab and a photo instead of the Likes tab.

I like the modern compact style, I suspect my users will as well. It's a shame it can't have a link next to it that says "Who?" and if you click that link then it gives you the people's usernames who liked that post, just a thought for future enhancements, also please put in a request for having the total likes for a thread show up at the top of every thread page.

BTW did you install the Pro version for me? I haven't checked admincp yet... anyway thanks for the improvement but looks like there is still something not quite right.
Fillip H.,
When I go to my profile and click the tab for likes/thanks it shows only likes going back to September 1st when DB Likes was installed. It also shows a page navigation for 1-7 pages of more likes, but if you click on say the 2 to go to the second page of likes, IT DOESN'T WORK. It takes you to a photo from the gallery tab for some reason.

Also the Notifications at the top of the page that tell me I have 2 new Likes, when I click on that notification again it takes me to my profile but shows me the Gallery tab and a photo instead of the Likes tab.
This is a bug in your Gallery modification, please disable its profile integration to make other tabs work as intended.

BTW did you install the Pro version for me?
I did, the compact style is a Pro-only feature :)
This is a bug in your Gallery modification, please disable its profile integration to make other tabs work as intended.

I did, the compact style is a Pro-only feature :)

In all fairness VBGallery by PhotoPost has worked fine on my site for years with VBSEO and their likes system and the previous Likes tab in the user profile page. It wasn't until DBSEO replaced VBSEO and the DB Likes was added to bring back Likes functionality that the problem arose. Would it be asking to much to have you and Chuck over at Photopost see if you can sort out what the conflict is? Surely there must be other DBSEO/Likes customers running VBgallery that have run into the same problem?
To follow up with additional information I went into the Gallery tab settings and the setting for "Make Gallery Tab Default" I set that to NO.
So now when I visit my profile the tab I get is the first tab - My Activity

However, when I go to the link sent in email: Planet-9

That results in the following URL rewritten as: Planet-9

Which still shows the default My Activity tab instead of the thanks tab. I tried manually entering URLs for other tabs and ALL of them that I tried simply defaulted to the default My Activity or what is the first tab on my site.

I'm thinking this is something amiss with DBSEO and the rewrite rules.
OK I think I just confirmed that the issue is DBSEO.

I turned off DBSEO and added manually ?tab=thanks to the end of the profile url and then refreshed the page and BAM it came up as the Thanks tab. I tried a couple of others and they worked too.

I then turned ON DBSEO and did the same thing, manually appended ?tab=thanks to the end of the profile URL and refreshed the page but instead of getting the thanks tab I got the default My Activity tab instead.

So either something is wrong with DBSEO or the DBSEO configuration, but the fault is not the gallery tab.
I don't believe the issue is DBSEO, because DBSEO is compatible with the "?tab=" parameter. You can confirm this @ this forum by trying this link:

I even temporarily changed the URL format to match ours here @ DBTech, to no avail.

The only notable difference is that we do not use Nginx here @ DBTech, meaning this is the likely culprit. It seems to me that when a URL is rewritten by DBSEO, the part of the nginx config that sends the output on to DBSEO does not include URL Query Parameters. Please have your server administrator check your nginx.conf file to correct this issue.
Filip, this is Steven @ vbresults coming in on Ken's behalf.

Your default Nginx configuration is incorrect; there is no $args after each dbseo.php rewrite so all of the query parameters are consequently dropped. Please update this in the DBSEO Nginx default configuration.

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php;

        location ~ ^((?!dbseo).)*\.php$ {
                rewrite ^/(.*)$ /dbseo.php last;

        try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php;

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php?$args;

        location ~ ^((?!dbseo).)*\.php$ {
                rewrite ^/(.*)$ /dbseo.php?$args last;

        try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php?$args;

Also, the importer in the lite version of the Thanks/Likes mod is broken and I had to do the import directly via the database. If you look at the thanks importer, a switch duplicates cases so the vBSEO case never executes/imports.
Last edited:
Filip, this is Steven @ vbresults coming in on Ken's behalf.

Your default Nginx configuration is incorrect; there is no $args after each dbseo.php rewrite so all of the query parameters are consequently dropped. Please update this in the DBSEO Nginx default configuration.

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php;

        location ~ ^((?!dbseo).)*\.php$ {
                rewrite ^/(.*)$ /dbseo.php last;

        try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php;

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php?$args;

        location ~ ^((?!dbseo).)*\.php$ {
                rewrite ^/(.*)$ /dbseo.php?$args last;

        try_files $uri $uri/ /dbseo.php?$args;
Thanks! The nginx.conf rules were provided to us by another member of the community, we have never actually tested them ourselves. They'll be updated in the next version :)

Also, the importer in the lite version of the Thanks/Likes mod is broken and I had to do the import directly via the database. If you look at the thanks importer, a switch duplicates cases so the vBSEO case never executes/imports.
I typed up a massive response to this but I notice you're talking about the CLI importer :)

That'll be fixed in a future update, thanks.
Hello KenDude,

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