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I think it could be interesting if certain usergroups (of course, definable through admincp) would be able to Mention and/or Tag whole usergroups.

Idea came to me watching how you mention each other and how I mentioned my admins about installation of AUT (just installed lite version). Now I needed to use each name, but it could be much easier if I could mentioned whole usergroups, everyone, or just forum management.

For example @administrators @moderators @management

The last term could be user definable, so everyone could use term from their own language. And mentioning usergroups would be by actual usergroup names as defined in admincp. Tagging would be useful too.

Don't know how complicated that would be to program, but I think that would be very useful to have around.
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And just to add, if you decide to enable this, usergroups mentioned and/or tagged with @management should be also defined in admincp as some forums could use more than standard usergroups (moderators, s.moderators and admins) for managing forum.

Maybe even to have more than one term for mentioning and/or tagging, of course completely definable in admincp?
Nice idea, but I'd take it a step further, set it so that you can custom define the tag and what groups (multiple) it applies to. That way, I can just do "Admin" and make sure everyone in Administrators as well as say "Super Moderators" gets it, but it's a shorter tag and has multiple groups assigned to it.
Yes, I'm talking about this in post just before yours. Let's say management means moderators, s.moderators and admins, if you use @management it would notify all this 3 usergroups. And of course, if could be possible, we would be able to make more than one term that would notify different (settable of course) usergroups. That would be really useful for site administration. Easy and yet very powerful way for communicating and explaining way on forum.

Also we shouldn't forget that if we would have option to notify every usergroup this would be some kind of notice, powerful and yet more subtle.

This is whole new level of communicating on our forums.

Just to mention it here (I'll open new thread), I think that this could also be used for starting private communications. For example, using ! before name could start new PM. But, more on this in new thread...
Sometime I also want to tag all members in an usergroup.
Be careful on some large usergroup (registered - can be over a million users)
It is Under Consideration for a future update, so DBTech will see if it can be implemented easily.
It is Under Consideration for a future update, so DBTech will see if it can be implemented easily.

Well, Fillip H.'s answer is automatic. It doesn't mean he really read this and consider this as possible new feature. :( On the other hand, I do believe they read our suggestions. I just hate automatic responses.

Anyway, the more people say they could have use for this (and starting private conversations with this mod), there's more chance that this will be implemented in next version.
While his answer may sound automatic, it is not at all.

He would not say it is under cosideration if he did not read it and understand what the member is looking for.

It is set as considered because they need to see what has to be done to the mod in order to implement it in to a future version.

I am sure Fillip H. can shed more light on this also!
I can vouch - the response is 100% not automatic. We look at suggestions and give them 1 of 3 status'

A) The feature won't be possible in which case we decline it
B) The feature is already set in stone on the feature list and/or has already been coded for the next version, in which case we will say it is accepted
C) (Most often) The suggestion doesn't fit into either of those categories. When it comes time to design the next version i go through every feature marked this way personally and make a list. After that Fillip H. - or whoever the coder is - add their estimates on how long each feature will take. I then go through the list and make the final feature list from that information.

Hope that clears it up ^.^

It may be my mistake, but when I had posted one request I remembered I need to add something, went back to edit message and there was the answer. It was there after about minute. With same text as in all cases. Anyway, it looked like it's created automatically. All the better if it's not created automatically. And if it gets implemented no one's happier than me. :)
Sometimes the post gets answered immediately, so if you go to edit your posts, you should only be correcting spelling. not adding stuff.

This is because a staff member may already be looking in to the post, and if you add info after it has been viewed, it may be overlooked.

It is best to add something by replying to the thread again.

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Personally I prefer edits, and if I was replying while the editing was going on then a new post can be made to alert me to that fact. I always find it irritating when I have to scroll through 5 posts in order to get the complete picture xD
I guess I am odd man out, what ever is easier for all to get their issues resolved is the most important thing.
Probably would slow it down while the queries executed yeah. Any features that have the potential to kill servers, we have options to turn off :)
I think that mentioning or tagging everyone wouldn't be done on daily basis. And certainly something like that should be restricted only to certain usergroups. So there wouldn't be too much problems with this option.
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