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Okay; I apologize for last night - i thought i was posting here :(

proper response:
Your htaccess looks good :) the problem was you renamed your admincp folder :p edit the admincp/arcade_admin to (whateveritis)/arcade_admin within your .htaccess and you should be good! (should only appear once!)
Ok I renamed it like this:

# Reroute v3arcade liveinstaller
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} do=liveinstall
RewriteRule ^admincp/v3arcade_admin\.php *************/arcade_admin.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&do=review&import=browse&system=v3a [L]
# Edit only the second admincp if you have changed it

But I still get the 404 error from v3 arcade
The requested URL /v3arcade_admin.php was not found on this server.
With beta 11 it works as it should now (no errors or anything).. Now my question is does importing categories from the v3 live installer work? (all the games from the v3 live installer show up as "Other" and the re-import of Asteroids shows up as "None")
Last edited:
The live install service does not report to vbarcade (or v3arcade for that matter) what category the game was from, so i cant show it.
Well, it looks like its correctly redirecting now, but dunno why live install isnt sending you to the admincp now... again i cant control what that site does.

if you want, you can pm me an admin login and ftp, and maybe your v3arcade login too, and i can get a more definitive look into why you cant seem to get this going.
Thanks! You actually have everything correct on your end. Redirect is working beautifully.

The problem seems to be something on's end, it isnt sticking in your admincp for some unknown reason :p I compared it to two other v3arcade accounts and their licenses were configured identically where it mattered.

It might be because of the renamed admin directory that they are perhaps trying to validate, though I tried some tests and I doubt it, especially with some of the forum complaints they have. Perhaps try to ask on their forum why your checkout is not using the correct path with your admincp? Of course, if they find out you arent using v3arcade for it, probably refuse support and worse, alter the service to somehow block vbarcade from using it. More unfortunate though, is you might not get support in the first place because they seem to have not done much to fix their live install problems, and its changing ownership or something right now...
hmmm well I will have to look into figuring out why, maybe I can edit license settings, to a different site I have and install the v3 arcade on that site and then see if I get somewhere.
Okay this has been fun, heres whats fixed in the next beta (and applied for ozzy already)

1) Fixed with htaccess the bugs v3arcade has with creating the url to send the games to.
2) Fixed with htaccess when you have renamed the admincp directory.
3) Fixed installing multiple games from v3 live install
Excellent work, I hope this helps out other sites to, and was not only a site specific issue.
Nah, multi-game was definitely broken, plenty of people change their admincp, and now it will even work for the people who have bad urls with v3arcade :p especially when they dont even want to bother fixing it for their real customers.
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