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Let me apologize in advance for this LONG post, but I really need assistance.

Whenever I install this product or the vbSignatures mod, I get the following MySQL error. I'm sorry it is so long. I realize that the reason for the error is "MySQL server has gone away", but it hasn't. I have full root access to my server and I can verify that the MySQL server is up and running both prior to and just after trying to install one of these mods.

Here is the error in it's glorious entirety:

UPDATE: Error was WAY to long to be posted here, this is the shortened version.

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE language SET title = title, phrasegroup_global = 'a:2862:{s:9:\"1_day_ago\";s:9:\"1 Day Ago\";s:10:\"1_hour_ago\";s:10:\"1 Hour Ago\";s:12:\"1_minute_ago\";s:12:\"1 Minute Ago\";s:7:\"isting_commands\";s:24:\"Existing Custom Commands\";s:37:\"dbtech_vbshout_existing_ignored_users\";s:22:\"Existing Ignored Users\";s:30:\"dbtech_vbshout_fetching_shouts\";s:18:\"Fetching shouts...\";s:43:\"dbtech_vbshout_fetching_shouts_in_x_seconds\";s:39:\"Fetching shouts in %seconds% seconds...\";s:27:\"dbtech_vbshout_flagged_idle\";s:102:\"You are currently flagged as Idle. Click <a href=\"javascript://\" onclick=\"%link%\">here</a> to un-flag.\";s:20:\"dbtech_vbshout_fonts\";s:5:\"Fonts\";s:31:\"dbtech_vbshout_general_settings\";s:16:\"General Settings\";s:30:\"dbtech_vbshout_give_infraction\";s:15:\"Give Infraction\";s:41:\"dbtech_vbshout_has_been_mentioned_x_times\";s:30:\"has been mentioned %1$s times!\";s:38:\"dbtech_vbshout_has_been_quoted_x_times\";s:27:\"has been quoted %1$s times!\";s:38:\"dbtech_vbshout_has_been_tagged_x_times\";s:27:\"has been tagged %1$s times!\";s:38:\"dbtech_vbshout_has_completed_x_quizzes\";s:27:\"has completed %1$s quizzes!\";s:33:\"dbtech_vbshout_has_made_x_quizzes\";s:25:\"has created %1$s quizzes!\";s:41:\"dbtech_vbshout_has_reached_x_blog_entries\";s:30:\"has reached %1$s blog entries!\";s:34:\"dbtech_vbshout_has_reached_x_posts\";s:23:\"has reached %


</dfn>\";s:26:\"dbtech_vbnomnom_nom_voting\";s:6:\"Voting\";s:30:\"dbtech_vbnomnom_nom_win_pb_img\";s:69:\"Winner Postbit Image<dfn>Path to image used for winners postbit</dfn>\";s:31:\"dbtech_vbnomnom_nom_winners_num\";s:17:\"Number of Winners\";s:23:\"dbtech_vbnomnom_results\";s:12:\"View Results\";}', phrasegroupinfo = 'a:1:{s:8:\"ckeditor\";a:1:{s:11:\"maxdateline\";s:10:\"1320956209\";}}' WHERE languageid = 1;

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Wednesday, August 1st 2012 @ 08:40:51 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, August 1st 2012 @ 08:41:29 PM
Script : url= in - TTNB - vBulletin Admin Control Panel
IP Address : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Username : Sadaar
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
<br />SEO by vBSEO ©2011, Crawlability, Inc.
<br />SEO by vBSEO ©2011, Crawlability, Inc.
You might find increasing max_allowed_packet on your server will cure this..By default most servers have it set too 1MB...Try it at 32MB and you should be good..
Did as you suggested and re-imported the XML file and everything seems to be fine. Thank you VERY much!
Thanks skol, I'll have to remember that one :)
I was about to tag Fillip H. on it lol
Just so you guys know.. I had been receiving random "invalid key file for table xxxx" messages on a daily basis from the vbActivity mod. I couldn't even do a re-calculation without several database errors. This variable change seems to have fixed that issue as well. Thanks!
Well I spoke too soon.

I occasionally get the following MySQL error from vbactivity. I've checked everything and can't seem to find a solution. It's not a lack of disk space. I would really appreciate any suggestions.

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:

, avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, customavatar.width AS avwidth, customavatar.height AS avheight, customavatar.height_thumb AS avheight_thumb, customavatar.width_thumb AS avwidth_thumb, customavatar.filedata_thumb
, user.dbtech_vbshop_purchase
FROM dbtech_vbactivity_pointslog AS pointslog
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = pointslog.userid)

LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON (avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid)
LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON (customavatar.userid = user.userid)

user.dbtech_vbactivity_excluded_tmp = '0'
ORDER BY dateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 20;

MySQL Error : Incorrect key file for table '/var/lib/mysql/tempdata/#sql_7857_1.MYI'; try to repair it
Error Number : 126
Request Date : Friday, August 3rd 2012 @ 05:46:53 AM
Error Date : Friday, August 3rd 2012 @ 05:49:12 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : xxx
Username : xxx
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :
I'll make sure Fillip H. sees this as it's not his support forum and he probably wont see notifications about it. Not sure if we want to create a new support request in the vbaa forum or move the related posts over there.
You need to run the "Repair / Optimize Tables" function in vBulletin's Maintenance ACP group.
Fillip H. - I do that on a semi-regular basis. I never see a crashed table or anything similar.
The error you posted indicates a crashed table or something else wrong with MySQL on your system, from what I know.
That's what I gather too. However there is no crashed table. It's really infuriating. When I get the error it's usually in a batch of 5 or 6 and then it goes away. I will contact my host and see if they have a clue. Thanks for the help.
I'm on a VPS with full root access. I don't think the server I'm on has any automatic backup and restore. However, my mySQL server is localhost and from what I'm reading that means that I'm still sharing the installation with other VPS users on the same physical server and that could be an issue. Thinking about installing my own copy of mySQL in my server space and seeing if that helps. OR switching hosts.
Anything is possible.

If you're looking for a different host then we can recommend Hivelocity, we're hosted by them as you might imagine, and there's nothing but good things to say about their level of support and the skill of their technicians.

If you do end up going with them, you can drop into their Live Chat and mention that you were sent there from DBTech, they'll cut you a good deal. ;)
I have a limited budget as my site is small and donation funded. I was looking at, but will definitely look at hivelocity based on your recommendation.
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