This is probably going to be part issue/usability/how-do-I thread so bear with me. 
Path To Downloads - there's no explanation what the path should be, relative to or not, why is it not a "valid value"... the error popup "There are errors in the settings on this page." is really quite useless.
For instance, I've set my path to ./vb_dl which is the same format that I use with the attachment storage, but it's telling me it's not "valid". What the heck?
Edit: Nevermind, figured out I need to manually create the dir and chmod it 777. On top of that, the path must be FULL and not relative. All of this REALLY needs to be in the help...
Extensions - [Add New Extension] [Add Extension Group] links are white text on bright grey background - unreadable. I spent quite some time looking around for them before I spotted them. Same thing with Categories.
Feature request: please add an enable/disable option for each extension... right now during testing I don't want all of them to be available but the only way to disable them seems to be to delete them. That's really not ideal as I'd have to redo all of them and reset all their settings if I wanted to enable them again.
Edit: Modules... I'm guessing what I'm doing here as there's no description on... anything. I also have no idea what each of these modules does exactly so I've got no idea what I'm enabling or disabling. Sure, I can do a good guess based on the names but, uh...?
What does the "Global" module do exactly and what does granting one usergroup access to it do?

- First thing I noticed is that the version number is 1.3.4 instead of .6 for my vB version, probably wrong?
- Secondly, is there actually no documentation at all?
- Thirdly, first thing I'm blinded by in the settings is the unreadable bright red warnings in all the warnings in Manage Settings and elsewhere... argh, this might look OK for the colourblind, but it's unreadable for me on the regular blue ACP background. PLEASE change this...
Path To Downloads - there's no explanation what the path should be, relative to or not, why is it not a "valid value"... the error popup "There are errors in the settings on this page." is really quite useless.
For instance, I've set my path to ./vb_dl which is the same format that I use with the attachment storage, but it's telling me it's not "valid". What the heck?
Edit: Nevermind, figured out I need to manually create the dir and chmod it 777. On top of that, the path must be FULL and not relative. All of this REALLY needs to be in the help...
Extensions - [Add New Extension] [Add Extension Group] links are white text on bright grey background - unreadable. I spent quite some time looking around for them before I spotted them. Same thing with Categories.
Feature request: please add an enable/disable option for each extension... right now during testing I don't want all of them to be available but the only way to disable them seems to be to delete them. That's really not ideal as I'd have to redo all of them and reset all their settings if I wanted to enable them again.
Edit: Modules... I'm guessing what I'm doing here as there's no description on... anything. I also have no idea what each of these modules does exactly so I've got no idea what I'm enabling or disabling. Sure, I can do a good guess based on the names but, uh...?
What does the "Global" module do exactly and what does granting one usergroup access to it do?
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