Bug No user assigned Bug

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Hi there Fillip,

i think i found a bug in your ecommerce ticket system. If i configure a forum to handle tickets, set a product and dont set a "default assigned user" it wouldnt let me open a support ticket in that forum. I'd get an error message, it works when i dont assign a product to that specific forum. Is this that behaviour on purpose or is it a bug.

Also i have some feature requests if you want the input:
-predefined replies <-- HOT (i really need that feature)
-automatically set prefix to threads
-automatically move the threads into another forum
-automatically assign tickets to a user out of a usergroup (or pick one out of them)
-automatically assing ticket to a user out of a usergroup who is online
-option to assign tickets to multiple users

I'd get an error message
Would you be able to post the error message?

-predefined replies <-- HOT (i really need that feature)
This is already a feature, via the Support Ticket Actions feature. You can autorespond to tickets depending on criteria.

-automatically set prefix to threads
That's something that can probably be added.

-automatically move the threads into another forum
-automatically assign tickets to a user out of a usergroup (or pick one out of them)
-automatically assing ticket to a user out of a usergroup who is online
I don't see a use case for either of these.

-option to assign tickets to multiple users
The system is created with single user assignment in mind. That does not mean that multiple users can't work on a ticket, but it will only ever be assigned to one user.
i think i found a bug in your ecommerce ticket system. If i configure a forum to handle tickets, set a product and dont set a "default assigned user" it wouldnt let me open a support ticket in that forum. I'd get an error message, it works when i dont assign a product to that specific forum. Is this that behaviour on purpose or is it a bug.
I've made a change for the next version that should resolve this.
This is already a feature, via the Support Ticket Actions feature. You can autorespond to tickets depending on criteria.
Yeah but i dont think autoresponses can be setup the way i need them too.
Im developing and selling software over my forums. I have a staff team that needs to respond to error codes or user inquiries. For example if a user needs a hardwareid / license change it would be nice to have a button somwhere in the text editor (next to the bbcode stuff) to select a template for their awnser.

-automatically move the threads into another forum
-automatically assign tickets to a user out of a usergroup (or pick one out of them)
-automatically assing ticket to a user out of a usergroup who is online
I don't see a use case for either of these.
youre right if its possible to not have a mandatory default user :)

thank you!
Yeah but i dont think autoresponses can be setup the way i need them too.
Im developing and selling software over my forums. I have a staff team that needs to respond to error codes or user inquiries. For example if a user needs a hardwareid / license change it would be nice to have a button somwhere in the text editor (next to the bbcode stuff) to select a template for their awnser.
Aha, I understand. You could check out this mod: https://lw-addons.net/store/post-macros.72/ :)

Honestly, the fact that that mod exists and is made by a really solid guy is making me a bit eeehh about the notion of including a similar feature set in this mod. I of course totally understand how it can be useful to have in a ticket support mod, but I also don't want to step on people's toes, you know?

If I were to add something similar, it would be a reduced feature set compared to that mod.

I'll probably push the update for the default assigned agent fix later today :) While testing, I discovered another issue where it was not possible to remove an existing default assigned agent, so that has also been resolved in the upcoming update.
thank you very much, still waiting for my payment to go through on his website :D

another question foryour ticket addon:

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but is it possible to automatically change the prefix of a ticket when an administrator replies? I am currently having to manually change the thread prefix as I can't seem to find a way that your plugin does this automatically. You can choose prefixes as a criteria but you cant assign them one.

The only way we can check the status of the ticket is to manually go inside the ticket. This is inconvenient and we'd like to be able to quickly change the status of a ticket to know if it needs answering or not. The filter function is missing a feature to sort for status too.

Again, sorry if I've missed something simple, I'd just like to double check. And if its not in there would you please put it inside your addon?

Thank you very much.

Any news on the "pay with credits feature" for your credits addon? :)
I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but is it possible to automatically change the prefix of a ticket when an administrator replies? I am currently having to manually change the thread prefix as I can't seem to find a way that your plugin does this automatically. You can choose prefixes as a criteria but you cant assign them one.
You should be using the Status feature for this, like we do here, not the prefixes. Prefixes are meant to categorise the ticket, like Question, Bug or Feature Request. By using the Status feature to set tickets as Answered, they'll disappear from the "Open support tickets" block.

You can automate changing a ticket's status via the Support ticket actions feature, though I prefer to do it manually since it means I can leave certain tickets open if I'm replying just to let people know I've seen the ticket and I need more time to investigate.

Any news on the "pay with credits feature" for your credits addon? :)
Adding a payment profile is complex, so I've left it as On Hold for the time being.
Hello @l0wD,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets

DragonByte eCommerce XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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