Bug No way to view or edit a ended item?

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Hi Mokonzi,

One of my moderators just tried to relist an item, but he said that he wanted to edit it first (because he wanted to reduce the price).

Anyway he told me there was no way to edit it before relisting, and also that when he clicked his item it gives invalid listing errors??

So I tested this for myself and found the same was happening for me on an item I tried to sell a few weeks back...

Have a look at the screengrab hopefully that gives you an idea of the situation.


Can you not edit it via the relist option? You have to 'approve' it before submitting it?

I'll check the error out. :)
Ok I never tried that, however when I click the item why does it say invalid listing?

I thought we never deleted the items?

The only thing with having all ended items invalid listings is we will have lots of threads from the forums with dead links, as the threads that are created are perminant.

I always thought if you knew the URL of an item it would be viewable but if ended it would not show up in the classifieds?

Cheers Mokonzi
It says invalid even when it's an expired listing. I'll see what modifications I can make to let a user still see old listings (or make it optional). I might not have time for the next beta today, but I'll see what I can do. :)
Its not a big deal Mokonzi, you get what you can done when you can mate.

I am grateful that you do plug as many issues and add features that you do!

One thing though that would be nice is that the listings always are viewable to everyone even if they have ended...

Maybe where it has all the item details - postage, price, buy it button, etc

It could say something like this if an item has ended :)

classifieds possible ended idea.webp

That was just an example of course :). But would be good for me because it would bring more people to our classifieds even if they cannot buy it as it is ended they might see something else while looking :)

That looks a nice method of solving the problem. Will try and get something like that implemented. :)
Mick, can you check to see if that listing actually had a start time further into the future? If you can get me the startdate UNIX time stamp, I can work backwards from that.

The system already allows user's to see an older listing if they have a URL, but prevents them accessing listings that are timed to start at a later date unless they are the thread owner or they have moderator permissions.

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