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I upload it , here is the link :

please let me know when you download it so i can delete it .

Waiting for you to fix the problem as soon as you can , also i still cant upload any file to vbdownload .
Thank you
You haven't waited one week since you uploaded the error log, more like 8 hours :)

I found the issue with downloads:
[Mon Feb 25 15:13:28 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 188708332 bytes) in []/dbtech/downloads/actions/file.php on line 233, referer:

You cannot download files bigger than memory_limit bytes. You need to increase PHP's memory_limit in php.ini to be as big as the biggest file you want to download.
You haven't waited one week since you uploaded the error log, more like 8 hours :)

I found the issue with downloads:
[Mon Feb 25 15:13:28 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 188708332 bytes) in []/dbtech/downloads/actions/file.php on line 233, referer:

You cannot download files bigger than memory_limit bytes. You need to increase PHP's memory_limit in php.ini to be as big as the biggest file you want to download.

okay perfect thank you very much , but i still cant upload any file , in the old V i can upload easily , now when i tray to upload some thing is wrong and i dont see the upload progress or the file text ?
how can i fix this please ?
I have no problems uploading files to your forum: Worldwide Invest - Forex Forum

If you are trying to upload a file that exceeds the max_post_size and/or upload_max_filesize you may find that to be impossible in all Internet Explorer versions older than 10.
I have answered this in a previous post:
I had to create a new default (unmodified) style because your default style has made a lot of customisations that make the sidebar in vBDownloads unusable.

This is not a bug in the mod, but rather in your skin. Please contact your skin developer and ask them to resolve it, as I have no idea what modifications could cause this.
I have answered this in a previous post:

This is not a bug in the mod, but rather in your skin. Please contact your skin developer and ask them to resolve it, as I have no idea what modifications could cause this.

It is default one , I dont change any thing in it just footer , and i didnt order any skin , please kindly help me to fix it ????
also in the old V it was working perfectly this error come after I upgrade to your last vbdownload V , and again I use defulte vbultion style
Last edited:
I would say start with whatever template edits you may have done to get the Facebook, Twitter on the right side and the country flags in the header.
Or start fresh from the default style I created :)

I don't believe style fixes like these are a service we provide, but Cosmic can answer this definitively :)
Unfortunately Fillip H. is correct and fixing other peoples styles isn't a service we offer at this time.
okay every ting work fine now , just one thing the picture are missed , no image , how i can fix that ?
also I add same picture to one section and another picture to anthere section can i use it like this ?
I don't know what you mean by "the picture are missed" - if you mean category images, you can configure them from the AdminCP.

If you are referring to thumbnails / screenshots, you can edit each download and flag image files as screenshots. That will enable vBDownloads to display them separately and use them as thumbnails.
I don't know what you mean by "the picture are missed" - if you mean category images, you can configure them from the AdminCP.

If you are referring to thumbnails / screenshots, you can edit each download and flag image files as screenshots. That will enable vBDownloads to display them separately and use them as thumbnails.

Thank you for fast replay I mean the thumbnails / screenshots , i tray it now to add .jpg picture and it say : error format not support and i check in admin cp the catalog support image and i check file extnation the image support jpg
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