Bug Opt-out, not opting-out

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I have a member who has opted out of the map in their profile settings but they still show up. I also changed their permissions in the ACP to "Included on map: Never" and they still show. s it a bug or are they cached in the map and it takes some time to remove them? I can provide more details via PM if you need to look into it. Thanks.
Unfortunately the permissions for whether someone is included doesn't work the same way as it does for other permissions at the moment. Since it would not be feasible to loop through all users on the entire website, it includes users who are member of one or more user groups that have "Included on map" set to "Yes".

That being said, there could be some improvements done by perhaps doing the "real" permissions check on the list of users after it's been trimmed down.

I'll keep this open and investigate further.
Ok thanks. It seems like a significant privacy issue if I can select "Opt out of the Member Map" on my profile but I still show up on the map. So, no way for me to keep someone off the map if they complain?

Uh... that's actually a really good point. I don't see where the opt-out toggle is actually being applied. I think that got lost during the re-write this add-on got some time back.

I'll have to push out an update to fix this.
Hello @clackey,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Member Map has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
Actually, ever since I installed the new version, it isn't showing all my members on the map. I made sure it is set to show all members (instead of just active) but it's only loaded up about 50 since I installed it over a week ago. Anything else change in this version? Below is a link to the map if you want to take a look...
Are you sure the remaining members don't belong to user groups who have opted out, or they have opted out themselves?
We don't have a group that has an opt-out on the maps and I can't imagine thousands of my members would have individually opted out (or even know how). I can't check them since there isn't a map option shown in the admin. It seems like it just updated around 50 and then quit as its the same 50 that have been there since soon after I installed it. Anything else you'd suggest I check? Maybe delete and reinstall?
Okay so looking into the code, I'm seeing that with the "Show all users" flag enabled, the following limitations are placed on the members being fetched:
  • Has been active in the last 180 days
  • Is not opted out manually
  • The dbtech_membermap_lat column in the xf_user_option table is not 0
  • The dbtech_membermap_lng `column in the xf_user_option table is not 0
  • One or more of their user group(s) is flagged as "Included on map" in the user group permissions
  • Has more than the "Minimum posts" posts set in the AdminCP settings
  • They are not a member of a user group that has "Included on map" set to "Never"
Any of this help explain it further? 🤔
Ok. looking into the lat/long. Is that pulled via the google API or maxmind? I do see that I have very few queries on maxmind but I'll need to check google as well.
After quite a bit of fiddling with it, I think you have the opt-out set backward. It is showing people who opt-out of the map, and hiring those who don't opt-out.
He Filip - just checking in on this. Fairly certain that the issue is with the opt in/out is flipped on whether it shows properly or not. If you want to flip it around and send me a test version I'll check it out for you. As it is now, its kinda worthless as it only shows those who don't want to be shown.
Hello @clackey,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Member Map has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

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Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte Member Map

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x XenForo 2.3.x
DragonByte Technologies
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