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Hey..! Happy New Year!

Can you please add the option for the Social Sharing Vertical Buttons to appear on the right and not only the left.

Our users are complaining they want it on the right side of the page and not only on the left.

Thanks very much.
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Or maybe we can get it to show up " in the background" of the forum and not in the main area?

See attached... are members are annoyed already ..

Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 12.17.25 AM.webp

We don't like to annoy are valued contributors!

Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 12.21.04 AM.webp
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I've fixed the issue of the buttons not snapping to the content for the next version.

If you want them floating to the right, your best bet is to add float:right to the style attribute in the various vertical templates.

This worked for left side for our forums:

<div  class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_16x16_style" addthis:url="$show[url]" style="left:5px;top:300px;>

and this for right side:

<div  class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_16x16_style" addthis:url="$show[url]" style="right:5px;top:300px;>
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I've fixed the issue of the buttons not snapping to the content for the next version..

What do you mean by this?

We want the vertical bar to be in a fixed position and not "snap" to the content, but be in a fixed position on the screen (stay in the same place, visible to the user, when scrolling the screen, as it is now.. just in a different position.

Please do not "snap" to the content where the vertical buttons are fixed in position relative to the content. It is more correct to have it fixed to a position on the screen like it was (and is) on our forums.
See attached... thanks Fixed to screen, always visible when scrolling... as we have it now.. thanks.

Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 7.52.01 PM.webp
Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 7.51.50 PM.webp
Great. We do not want the vertical buttons in a fixed location on the content, but on a fixed location relative to the screen so the social sharing buttons are visible at all times, even when scrolling.

Anyway, each time we upgrade we will need to edit the templates again.... no worries.
No you won't, the template you've edited will not be overwritten unless you edited the Master Style (which you shouldn't).

We will most likely not edit those templates further, so you will not need to modify them further to add new features.
Ah.. OK... thanks so much... !

I did not remember that... must be true for every mod then... if we edit the template for our style updating the mod by the developer will not overwrite our template mods for that style.

Good to be reminded of that. Thanks!
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