not sure if it is by design or accident, but the pre-defined donations have a couple of 'issues'.
first is that you can only use whole numbers, so I can't have US$7.50 for example, only $7 or $8.
The second is that with US$, despite it being set up to show as US$ and not $, it only shows as $. All my other currency options show as they are setup so AU$, NZ$, £, €, but not US$. It's also not my primary currency so I would appreciate it showing as US$

not sure if it is by design or accident, but the pre-defined donations have a couple of 'issues'.
first is that you can only use whole numbers, so I can't have US$7.50 for example, only $7 or $8.
The second is that with US$, despite it being set up to show as US$ and not $, it only shows as $. All my other currency options show as they are setup so AU$, NZ$, £, €, but not US$. It's also not my primary currency so I would appreciate it showing as US$