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i just started to get this when uploading as a pop up when a file completes with my new fedora operating system i installed last night but the file isn't uploaded after....

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i just stole my wifes computer with windows so i'm assuming now it is a conflict with something i added :) i'll start disabling to see what it is and report the conflict back
So do you mean it works on a windows client machine but the fedora client machine gets the popup error?
thats the popup error i get when trying to upload to the downloads on fedora and on windows. tried firefox and chrome browers with the same out come, I have disabled all new addons and i still get this error! oh while writing this i remembered my host just did a huge update to centro 6 or something like think that could be the problem?
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i tired to re-install the downloads but still get the same popup error :( now confirmed for me on linux, windows IE9 chrome and basically everything
could I get temp admin? I seem to remember this happening from when the creator was still running it but I can't find a post about it so I don't know the outcome.
Sorry, I'm trying to track it down but I'm having problems locating the problem. I know it's something with the flash uploader, it works fine with it turned off. Just hard to figure it out because I can't replicate it anywhere else. I'll keep looking.
do you think it would have something to do with my host updating the server? from cent os 5 to cent so 6?

and if it works without the flash I'm more then happy to wait, how do I turn the flash uploader off :cool:
hmm, not as much the cent os as maybe some obscure setting with the new version that I can't figure out heh.
I was actually just testing it and the flash uploader is turned off. It's in the Download Settings ACP page.
Man i like the regular uploader much better then the flash uploader, mostly because it just looks better!

take your time ;) and as always thank you for your help!
Dylan FYI my flash uploader is working perfect on 4.2 now....not sure what changed but i thought i would give it a try and it worked perfect! (also thought might give you more info incase you have the problem somewhere else)

thanks for your help!
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