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It's hard for me to tell, but it's something I can revisit if the counters act up again :)

Ok sir. But I see that you have turned off all events except three. Right now only credits are earned by post on my forum, threads and polls.

But not for birthdays, reputation, friends, views... ..... ect

I want to activate. Vbcredits malfunctions if active?

All part of my participation system, to then buy items with credits.

There is another mistake.
The user "zitrux" it is impossible to have as few credits as it is the third or fourth most involved. No correctly accounted their credits compared to other users.

I still maintain your access permissions as admin.

please is very urgent to me
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The member you're referring to has 12,094 credits, which is in line with their participation count.
The member you're referring to has 12,094 credits, which is in line with their participation count.

Zitrux: 12,094 credits (post 3149)

Cycle: 29,271 credits (post 1216)

Peyton: 47,555 credits (2419 pots)

I know that not only have the post, and also issues intoaccount, but the difference is immense.

By the way, your you turned off all the other events? Others have not? I put photo on previous post.

Sir I've always been very respectful and I do not like get hurry. I buy vbcredits only to request assistance, although I know that you give assistance if the product is lite. But I think it's fair to pay for your time.

And I am very frustrated with this plugin that I really like and need your help to function properly with all events. I think it's magnificent.

Please sorry for my English, I do not want it to seem like I'm claim or disrespectful.

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I did turn off the other events so as to not make them interfere with the recalculation. You can turn them back on, if you like.

To understand the breakdown of their credits, please click Recalculate User Accounts -> Type the username in the search box -> choose "Event" in the Statistics Grouping -> Scroll down to see the breakdown of their credits.

Peyton has thousands of credits from other events that all match the total amount of credits they have.
I did turn off the other events so as to not make them interfere with the recalculation. You can turn them back on, if you like.

To understand the breakdown of their credits, please click Recalculate User Accounts -> Type the username in the search box -> choose "Event" in the Statistics Grouping -> Scroll down to see the breakdown of their credits.

Peyton has thousands of credits from other events that all match the total amount of credits they have.

Ok thanks. I test it in a few days (I have to wait for medical problems).

I have noticed that when I first install vbcredits time, I recalculate many times, soon falls forum. Appears this error: MySQL Error: The table 'session' is full

Then do not relate it to vbcredits.
But after I returned to recalculate many times, before ordering your help, and it happened again.

You may vbcredits me fill this table?

I put a query in where I explain better:

MySQL Error : The table 'session' is full - vBulletin Community Forum

Thank you

To understand the breakdown of their credits, please click Recalculate User Accounts -> Type the username in the search box -> choose "Event" in the Statistics Grouping -> Scroll down to see the breakdown of their credits.

I do this with the user "guzgon2" and not events appear. But he has 318 credits

I put the calculation in red

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 823, align: center"]
[TD="align: center"]Créditos[/TD]
[TD]Temas vistos
Por cada tema visitado, recibirás 1 crédito, así de fácil. Cuantos más temas diferentes veas, más puntos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1 x tema

[TD]Reputación recibida
Cada vez que alguien te "dé reputación" recibirás 10 créditos + 0.25 créditos por cada "punto de reputación" que tenga quien te la entrega.

En este ejemplo recibirías 10 + (6 puntos x 0.25) = 11.5 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10 + (0.25 x punto)
reputation points , the logged start with 10, so you've got 4 points since. At least 40 credits you received for this reason (plus 0.25 per item [/TD]
[TD]Dar reputación
Si das reputación a otro compañero, recibirás 0.5 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]0.5
[TD]Mensajes publicados
Por cada mensajes que publiques, de más de 15 palabras (es decir, con contenido), recibirás 5 créditos + 0.1 por palabra. Por ejemplo, por un post de 40 palabras recibirás 5 + (40 x 0.1) = 9 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]5 + (0.1 x palabra)
59 post x 5 = 295
[TD]Imágenes o archivos adjuntos
Por cada foto o archivo adjunto que incluyas en tus mensajes, recibirás 3 créditos adicionales sumados a los créditos por haber publicado un post (ideal para publicar análisis técnicos con gráficos adjuntos).

[TD="align: center"]3 x adjunto

[TD]Adjuntos descargados
Por imagen adjunta que amplíes o por cada archivo adjunto que descargues recibirás 1 crédito.
[TD="align: center"]1
Por cada nuevo tema que inicies, de más de 20 palabras (es decir, con contenido), recibirás 10 créditos + 0.1 por palabra. Por ejemplo, por un tema de 200 palabras recibirás 10 + (200 x 0.1) = 30 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10 + (0.1 x palabra)
2 threads,
but does not have a theme (forum does not count). 10 credits for 1 thread. No more 200 words.

[TD]Create poll
Si añades una encuesta a tus temas recibirás 3.5 créditos adicionales sumados a los créditos por haber iniciado un tema nuevo.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]3.5
[TD]Vote polls
Cada vez que votes en una encuesta recibirás 2 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]2
Por cada etiqueta que pongas en tus temas recibirás 0.25 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]0.25 x etiqueta
El día de tu cumpleaños recibirás un bonito regalo: 50 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]50
5 de january = 50 crédits
Por cada amigo confirmado que hagas recibirás un 1 crédito.

[TD="align: center"]1
4 friends = 4 credits
Por cada amigo que invites al foro y que al registrarse ponga tu nombre como "referidor", recibirás 5 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]5
[TD]Redactar artículos
¿Eres buen redactor? Solicita aquí tu acceso como redactor y por cada artículo que publiques de, mínimo, 400 palabras, recibirás 200 créditos. Ideal si dominas un tema y quieres hacer una serie. Además, en cada artículo podrás poner un botón Paypal y recibir donaciones de tus lectores.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]200 x artículo
[TD="align: center"]
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Session table is not related to vBCredits.
Ok thank you, and this?

Ok thanks. I test it in a few days (I have to wait for medical problems).

I do this with the user "guzgon2" and not events appear. But he has 318 credits , He should have at least 399 credits, excluding those events that can not be recalculated

I put the calculation in red

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 823, align: center"]
[TD="align: center"]Créditos[/TD]
[TD]Temas vistos
Por cada tema visitado, recibirás 1 crédito, así de fácil. Cuantos más temas diferentes veas, más puntos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1 x tema

[TD]Reputación recibida
Cada vez que alguien te "dé reputación" recibirás 10 créditos + 0.25 créditos por cada "punto de reputación" que tenga quien te la entrega.

En este ejemplo recibirías 10 + (6 puntos x 0.25) = 11.5 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10 + (0.25 x punto)
reputation points , the logged start with 10, so you've got 4 points since. At least 40 credits you received for this reason (plus 0.25 per item [/TD]
[TD]Dar reputación
Si das reputación a otro compañero, recibirás 0.5 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]0.5
[TD]Mensajes publicados
Por cada mensajes que publiques, de más de 15 palabras (es decir, con contenido), recibirás 5 créditos + 0.1 por palabra. Por ejemplo, por un post de 40 palabras recibirás 5 + (40 x 0.1) = 9 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]5 + (0.1 x palabra)
59 post x 5 = 295
[TD]Imágenes o archivos adjuntos
Por cada foto o archivo adjunto que incluyas en tus mensajes, recibirás 3 créditos adicionales sumados a los créditos por haber publicado un post (ideal para publicar análisis técnicos con gráficos adjuntos).

[TD="align: center"]3 x adjunto

[TD]Adjuntos descargados
Por imagen adjunta que amplíes o por cada archivo adjunto que descargues recibirás 1 crédito.
[TD="align: center"]1
Por cada nuevo tema que inicies, de más de 20 palabras (es decir, con contenido), recibirás 10 créditos + 0.1 por palabra. Por ejemplo, por un tema de 200 palabras recibirás 10 + (200 x 0.1) = 30 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]10 + (0.1 x palabra)
2 threads,
but does not have a theme (forum does not count). 10 credits for 1 thread. No more 200 words.

[TD]Create poll
Si añades una encuesta a tus temas recibirás 3.5 créditos adicionales sumados a los créditos por haber iniciado un tema nuevo.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]3.5
[TD]Vote polls
Cada vez que votes en una encuesta recibirás 2 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]2
Por cada etiqueta que pongas en tus temas recibirás 0.25 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]0.25 x etiqueta
El día de tu cumpleaños recibirás un bonito regalo: 50 créditos.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]50
5 de january = 50 crédits
Por cada amigo confirmado que hagas recibirás un 1 crédito.

[TD="align: center"]1
4 friends = 4 credits
Por cada amigo que invites al foro y que al registrarse ponga tu nombre como "referidor", recibirás 5 créditos.

[TD="align: center"]5
[TD]Redactar artículos
¿Eres buen redactor? Solicita aquí tu acceso como redactor y por cada artículo que publiques de, mínimo, 400 palabras, recibirás 200 créditos. Ideal si dominas un tema y quieres hacer una serie. Además, en cada artículo podrás poner un botón Paypal y recibir donaciones de tus lectores.[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]200 x artículo
[TD="align: center"]
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I don't know what any of that means, sorry :(
Ok sir.

I'm so sorry to be causing so much trouble. This plugin is really important to me. sorry

I'll try to explain that occurs in my forum.

I think vbcredits not count correctly. Why? It may not work, or maybe I have it misconfigured (language problems).

Ok, I'll give an example with pictures of events that add credits.

I only have events that add credits. No charges credits for nothing. Just in case the event disappears, subtract credits, for example, if I delete a post, the user loses 5 credits for the post.

Ok, I have these scheduled events:

50 credits of gift on your birthday:


2 credits for voting on poll:

1 Credits for each thread seen:


3 credits for uploading an attachment:


10 credits for thread + 0.1 for word (>20):


0.25 credits for tag:


10 credits for reputation +0.25 per reputation power :

5 credits for referal:


5 credits for post + .... per word...:


0.5 credits for give reputation:


1 credit for friend:


50 credits for field:


1 credit for download attachment:


3.5 credits for creating a poll:


Ok, for example, the user fernando has 4921.8 credits, and 1,524 post:


Ignore all events ... if every post is worth 5 credits (if counting words per post), he should have 1,524 x5 = 7620 credits.

You see my problem? So I think I vbcredits fails. Maybe I have configured wrong, I'm charging for something?

Thank you
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If you click the user name, you will see a list of all of their transactions, which would also explain why the discrepancy exists.
If you click the user name, you will see a list of all of their transactions, which would also explain why the discrepancy exists.

Hi Fillip H.. I return to the issue of the credits because I am about to begin my public project with them.

For example, this user had over 12,000 credits. The other day under 300, do not know why. I recalculate the credits, and climbed back to 11000 credits.

And today it has fallen back to 53 credits!

I've done what you've asked me: allow the user to view the history of credit. I put pictures attached below.

This user has lost credits when I have not set spending credits. No charge for any action.

And too many events with "0 credits" appear, I do not understand why you have 0 credits for some action. For example 0 credits for download when I have set to 1 credit per download ... Not Fillip H., could you please help.

Please I need you.



Credits lost on post deletion is controlled by the Negation amount in the event settings.
Credits lost on post deletion is controlled by the Negation amount in the event settings.

Thanks but I not deleted any post. This user, like others, has more than 482 post, and only 886 credits.


I have more events, but if only I had the post of 5 credits are pos post 2410 credits.

On 1 September begins my project where vbcredits is vital. Please check happens. What happened this user about co many. If recalculation far, have thousands of credits, maybe 2400, or maybe 3000 .... but within X days, he, or another user, will lose credits.

Thank you

PS: Sorry for my English
The "Post" event with a strikethrough indicates that the post was either edited or deleted.
The "Post" event with a strikethrough indicates that the post was either edited or deleted.

ok but what about the other post?
* This user has 482 post, and only 886 credits. It is clear that there are errors of some kind, something is wrong.
Thank you
Events with strikethrough does not necessarily mean a deleted message. If they edited their post, it will first take away their original amount of credits before re-adding it.

This is due to the fact that the "Word Amount" setting changes the amount of credits users gain per post.

For instance, if we assume this post gives me 100 credits, and I edit my post to only have 2 words, I might only gain 2 credits for this post. The 100 credits would then be taken away, replaced with 2 credits.
Events with strikethrough does not necessarily mean a deleted message. If they edited their post, it will first take away their original amount of credits before re-adding it.

This is due to the fact that the "Word Amount" setting changes the amount of credits users gain per post.

For instance, if we assume this post gives me 100 credits, and I edit my post to only have 2 words, I might only gain 2 credits for this post. The 100 credits would then be taken away, replaced with 2 credits.

Ok, this member Trader201 (and others) is recognized by the hundreds of post system and made deliveries reputation has seen it all sum-wire ... credits, and it is clear that the system does not post correctly. and also he has some super extensive post.

And if you recalcule their credits, the will have thousands. Then something is wrong.

Thank you
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

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DragonByte Technologies
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