I have a strange problem on my forum. With DBSeo OFF the problem does not occur.
When I make an Article and I push "Save" button, the site is loading, loading, loading and loading until it returns error 504 Gateway Timeout. I refresh the page, the article it's ok, but in the forum I see 50+ new post (all copies) in "vBComment Section". if I delete the posts, they come back after 5 minutes..
At the moment I'm unable to post Articles
I did some testing.. This problems appears only with OPEN forum. If I CLOSE the forum, this problems not appear.
Fillip H. I have a test board where you can reproduce this issue if you want. The login details are the same of the last time..
I have a strange problem on my forum. With DBSeo OFF the problem does not occur.
When I make an Article and I push "Save" button, the site is loading, loading, loading and loading until it returns error 504 Gateway Timeout. I refresh the page, the article it's ok, but in the forum I see 50+ new post (all copies) in "vBComment Section". if I delete the posts, they come back after 5 minutes..
At the moment I'm unable to post Articles

I did some testing.. This problems appears only with OPEN forum. If I CLOSE the forum, this problems not appear.
Fillip H. I have a test board where you can reproduce this issue if you want. The login details are the same of the last time..