Bug Problems with parsing mentions, sometimes it doesn't work

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This is a strange bug (it means, it doesn't happen all the time, at least I couldn't notice it all the time, still not sure how to repeat it every time).

It looks a bit like this bug and probably they are actually the same thing: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f51/strange-bug-mentions-paul-ms-double-post-prevention-mod-9721/

In short, sometimes users don't get mentioned, although mentioned username is correct. I noticed it for some members, I thought that this is related with some users. But, as I couldn't be sure why it happens, I didn't reported. Now, I reported post and as a first thing, I mentioned one of my moderators in report. In previous version (2.0.4) it worked fine. But, with new version, this didn't worked. Than I edited post, added new line before mention (to be sure if it is something similar as with bug I link here), it didn't helped. I just remembered that mentions inside quotes wouldn't work (mention user), but they get parsed even inside quotes.

Anyway, this mention didn't get parsed. Then I added another mention outside quotes and then both of them get parsed. Strange.

It looks like in some posts mentions doesn't get parsed, but it all worked with previous version (2.0.4).

If you get any idea how and why, it would be great.
Without seeing the post in question (post it here, replace the [ ] with { } to avoid accidental mentioning) I can't assist :(
Here's first reported post:

Alan_SP je prijavio/la post.
Razlog prijave:

Sada si moderator. I to ne moderator cijelog Slobodnog, a pored toga, ovakav nastup prema korisnicima nicemu ne sluzi.

Ti ne moderiras taj dio. Zato, nemoj pisati ovakve obavijesti na dijelovima na kojima nisi moderator.

Smatraj se upozorenim.

Post: Kosovu odobrene prijateljske utakmice
Forum: Nogomet
Moderatori foruma: Alex84

Napisano od: Apache
Sadržaj poruke:

Ni ja otezati ga neću, kako otegnuti ga znam i – ima se može se – mogu.
Uporedio si neuporedivo.

Kosovo država je čiji nastanak ima dug historijski uvod i odgovor je medjunarodne zajednice
na decenije obespravljenosti Albanaca, srpskog kurčenja, proganjanja, represije i nasilja nad
njima, i – na kraju – na rat na Kosovu, tutnjanje srpske vojske i četničkih formacija po njemu.

RS nije država, već manji entitet jedine priznate države Bosne i Hercegovine zapadno od Drine
(gledano s Kosova) nastao na etničkom čišćenju i genocidu, bez moralnog i političkog prava i
kredibiliteta da izdvajanjem i izdvojenim nastupima, makar i na nogometnim susretima, kompromituje
medjunarodnu zajednicu i takva – nikakva podsjeća na Srebrenicu i da sramni je produkt sramne
politike svijeta prema BiH.

Da muke nam skratim, i moje i vaše i one manjeg entiteta: prijateljske utakmice, u konkurenciji
mlađih reprezentacija, klubova, amaterskih i ženskih ekipa, gledat ćemo, ako Bog da, ali samo
izmedju reprezentacija Kosova i BiH i/ili Hrvatske.

Lica išaranog bojama kosovske zastave, s petardama u ruci, nestrpljiv da – a, šta drugo -
polomimo vas - k'o mače muškatlu,


dal zelis creveni karton? i ovako si crven. radi se o sportu.

teme za politiku
Hvala na razumevanju.

First mention didn't worked, I added first new line, then I wrote it again outside quotes.

After that, I again reported post, with mention, but not in the front, here it is, it didn't get parsed:


Alan_SP je prijavio/la post.

Razlog prijave:
Samo da vas informiran, ovo sam posalo korisnici @okasa

Ovako, ovo sto sada radis, to je spam. Ako zelis, nije uopce problem da reklamiras svoje proizvode, ali ne na ovakav nacin.

Ono sto mozes uraditi jeste da recimo imas temu (ovo nije tema, ovo je spam) na kojoj ces opisivati svoje proizvode, moze to biti i copy&paste postovi, ali ovako nesto, napraviti samo dvije rijeci i link na vlastitu stranicu, to nece proci. Obrisati cu tvoje teme, te cu upozoriti ostale moderatore (ako ne znas, vlasnik sam) da tako nesto micu.

Kao sto sam rekao, ozbiljna tema, s nekakvim normalnim tekstom, gdje jos i linkas na svoju stranicu, ili pak drzis svoju stranicu u potpisu, pa onda pises koliko toliko kvalitetnim postovima, to ce proci, ali ovako nesto nece.

Nadam se da ces pisati korisne postove, informirati ljude o kvaliteti svojih proizvoda, ali ovako nesto necu dopustiti.


Molim da i vi obratite paznju na slicne postove bilo od nje, bilo od drugih korisnika. Jedno je reklamirati stvoje proizvode, usluge, a drugo je napraviti nesto ovakvo.

Post: Božićni poklon prirodne kozmetike
Forum: Kozmetika
Moderatori foruma: Nije dostupno

Napisano od: okasa
Sadržaj poruke:

So you're saying mentions don't show up correctly in posts that are automatically generated by the vBulletin "Report Post" feature?
They don't get parsed, yes.

I must say, in previous version (2.0.4) this worked like a charm. I could report post, mention users (actually staff members) whose attention I wanted and everything worked.

Also, I noticed that mentions doesn't work in some cases in normal posts in forum, sometime I notice that users misspelled username (this is fine, of course), but sometimes username is written just fine, but mention didn't worked. As a one example, I have user BlackScorpio. When it was mentioned one time, only Black part of username was a link, which is really strange. And yes, before (v2.0.4) after mentioning user, there was space added, so user's name in this last example would look like: Black Scorpio. But now it looked @BlackScorpio (this is me trying to show what link part is, and what isn't).

I don't know what and why, but something is different. Of course, I'll watch for it and if I get any new info, or have a new idea what's going wrong, I'll report it.
It's no surprise that the reported posts ones don't get parsed. The only ones that would have gotten parsed were ones that had been cached by vBulletin. This is not something I can control.

Also, neither of the other two things you reported have changed since v2 :)
Actually, it worked in v2. I mean, mentioning in reports' reasons. This is why I noticed it and reported it here. Before it worked, now it doesn't. What has changed, I don't know, but it is not mine to know it.

On the news side, I found very interesting post, and here is link to it: http://slobodni.net/t2337-3/#post969183

As you can see, first mention (@Alex84) didn't get parsed, but my name did. This is interesting because one mention get parsed, one doesn't. If you look this page, you'll see that this user has written on it, that his name is written correctly, at least at the first sight. This is one of these posts that I noticed before, but now I give you direct look how it looks.

When I go to edit this post, this is its content:


Pričate kako su Srbi u hrvatskoj zaštićeni kao beli medvedi a smeta vam da samo u mešovitim sredinama postoje natpisi i na ćirilici... Razumem da recimo u Zagorju nema potrebe bilo gde da se koristi ćirilično pismo ali u mešovitim sredinama je znak da svi gradjani imaju ista prava...

Vukovar jeste specifičan, ali možda baš zato ne treba tu raditi na još dubljim podelema...

Istina možda ja ne razumem Vukovar, osim što mislim da nije trebao biti sravnjen sa zemljom i da je napad na Vukovar jedna od srpskih sramota, ali ja ne mogu ni da živim u prošlosti, proći će mi budućnost....


Ako se ne varam ti si u SFRJ u osnovnoj školi učio i ćirilicu, baš kao i mi latinicu, recimo nama je svaki pismeni iz srpsko-hrvatskog kroz celo školovanje, jedan bio na ćirilici a jedan na latinici, ako je tako bilo i kod vas, ne znam koji je razlog da stara garda u hrvatskoj ne zna ćirilicu...

Mislim, što se mene tiče, možete da zabranite i srpske zastave (osim na ambasadi), možete zakonom da zabranite ćirilicu ali to će postati deo problema a ne rešenja.....

Ne agitujem ja za ćirilicu, ja sam iznad tih za mene trivijalnih stvari jer pismeni Srbi ne prave razliku u znanju ta 2 pisma, meni je interesantna pozadina, mislim ćirilica je u ex republikama SFRJ simbol Srba, znači nije problem u ćirilici već opet u Srbima....

Razgraničili smo se, priznali medjusobno, ali verbalno i u mislima izgleda da mnogi još uvek žive u prošlosti (moj utisak a ne tvrdnja), iako im niko nije stradao u ratovima 90-tih i to mi nije jasno.... Nekada mi se učini, da neki Hrvati svoju nacionalnost odredjuju na razlikama izmedju Hrvata i Srba, medjutim toliko sličnosti imamo, da je to možda ono što negiranje svega srpskog, pojačava sve hrvatsko...

I sad, bez želje da nekog uvredim, meni sve to izgleda kao komunikacija dece koja se dure ....[/COLOR]

As you can see, user uses color BBcode (this is something that he does, don't ask me why, I think this is because he has cancer, but important is that this affects parsing of mentions, or I suspect it does) and paint already black letters in black.

Anyway, that is the reason why I suspect that this has something to do with bug I reported in thread I linked in first post. This wasn't problem with v2, that is for sure. You say that the code wasn't changed, but something is different. vB version is same, there's only new version of AUT.

I can't say what happens, but you can see that something happens.

Fillip H.

I mentioned you here, using color BBcode, to test mentioning. If it works, than it's something else. If it doesn't work, that this is problem.

As you can see, your name didn't get parsed, i.e. you didn't get mentioned.

Just to mention you again: Fillip H.

This is definitely something related with bug I reported in this thread: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/f51/strange-bug-mentions-paul-ms-double-post-prevention-mod-9721/

You can test it yourself. And yes, with double posts, I managed this, but AUT has problems maybe with all BBcodes. I'll mention you now within bold BBcode: @Fillip H.

Yes, AUT has problems with all BBcodes.
Last edited by a moderator:
This is working as intended. It is 100% intended that any character that's not the start of the line or a space preceding the @ does not get turned into a mention.

This is to prevent email addresses from unintentionally parsing as mentions.
IF you must mention someone in a post like that, at the end of the ] add a space then the mention, then a space, then the [

Ok, this makes sense, but this wasn't like that in v2.

On the other hand, can you maybe add option that this check is enabled, or disabled? I didn't had problems with emails, but users now have problems, I see mentions from time to time that don't get parsed.

EDIT: And yes, I needed to to make new posts. If I didn't, once when parsing of mentions start, then all mentions get parsed, so you wouldn't see what I wanted to point out. All posts needed to be separated, otherwise I couldn't test and show you what happens. It happened on my reported post, and it happened here, when you linked posts, as you can see. Sorry, but to show you this thing with parsing posts, I needed to make new posts.
Last edited:
Ok, this makes sense, but this wasn't like that in v2.
v2 had a bug that cause this behaviour to occur, so we fixed it :)

On the other hand, can you maybe add option that this check is enabled, or disabled? I didn't had problems with emails, but users now have problems, I see mentions from time to time that don't get parsed.
We'll take it into consideration for future versions.
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