Again me
I have installed the add - on on my dedicated server
Working (just a problem with geoloc, block countryu, for that please see my other request)
Now I'm backing up all
Integrated on my local web server with Wamp
And I have a blanck page
I launch PHP debug
ANd see that :
Fatal error: in C:\wamp64\www\flipperf\src\XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter.php on line 160
It seems to call dbname etc ... but non working
The version of the Wamp php is 7.2.14 on my local web server
Have U got a solution for ? Because I'm needed to check etc ... on my local webserver before production
Thanks by advance
Kind regards from France
David W
Again me

I have installed the add - on on my dedicated server
Working (just a problem with geoloc, block countryu, for that please see my other request)
Now I'm backing up all
Integrated on my local web server with Wamp
And I have a blanck page
I launch PHP debug
ANd see that :
Fatal error: in C:\wamp64\www\flipperf\src\XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter.php on line 160
It seems to call dbname etc ... but non working
The version of the Wamp php is 7.2.14 on my local web server
Have U got a solution for ? Because I'm needed to check etc ... on my local webserver before production
Thanks by advance
Kind regards from France
David W