Question Prod server VS local host

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Again me :p
I have installed the add - on on my dedicated server
Working (just a problem with geoloc, block countryu, for that please see my other request)

Now I'm backing up all
Integrated on my local web server with Wamp

And I have a blanck page
I launch PHP debug
ANd see that :

Fatal error: in C:\wamp64\www\flipperf\src\XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter.php on line 160

It seems to call dbname etc ... but non working

The version of the Wamp php is 7.2.14 on my local web server

Have U got a solution for ? Because I'm needed to check etc ... on my local webserver before production

Thanks by advance

Kind regards from France

David W
Thanks FOR
For I have search .... Couldn't access to the database :)
Change with the config file
Solution with Wamp

Give ALL autorisations for files and folder (like writing etc ...)
After than, edit the XF1 config file
Place the right name of your DB, password etc ..

AND :p
Working fine

Thanks Fillip H for having sent it to me this information about Db = Database :)
This config file is different beetwen XF1 and XF2 ;) in library folder now

library --> xf1-config.php

it's for my mistake ;)
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