Question Putting category in info panel list

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Is there a way to also include the Category in the list?

We have for example 2 seperate categories and each category has a General Discussion forum under it. When a new post in one category General Discussion is listed under Latest Post panel for example, It will say "General Discussion" but not which category its in.

Hope that makes sense.
XenForo forums (nodes) don't necessarily need a category, so this isn't really possible out-of-the-box unfortunately.

That being said, if you want to display the parent node name, you could edit dbtech_infopanels_widget_welcome_panel and find ' . $mostActiveForum.node.title . ' and replace it with ' . $mostActiveForum.node.title . ' (' . $mostActiveForum.node.Parent.title . ')'

I think that should work, although it's untested.
Thanks for the reply. I've tried that and get the following error when trying to Save.

Line 114: Syntax error - Template name: public:dbtech_infopanels_widget_welcome_panel
Sorry, the correct replacement code is:
' . $mostActiveForum.node.title . ' (' . $mostActiveForum.node.Parent.title . ')' . '
That change is for the welcome panel, I don’t know what you mean by “list”.
Sorry yea missed that aspect. Looking to make this change to:
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DragonByte InfoPanels

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