Legacy Random & Newest last 5 quiz display on vbquiz page | Big Add quiz button

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1. like in vbadvanced links directory (listed link to my site above), you can also display Random & Newest last 5 quiz on vbquiz page.

2. You can make sub-category visible in category as subsection in forum on vbquiz page

3. Add quiz button on top left side, isnt it? Even i had to search for it, you can add it below welcome message for vbquiz on quiz panel and make it more noticable. :cool:
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1. like in vbadvanced links directory (listed link to my site above), you can also display Random & Newest last 5 quiz on vbquiz page.

2. You can make sub-category visible in category as subsection in forum on vbquiz page

3. Add quiz button on top left side, isnt it? Even i had to search for it, you can add it below welcome message for vbquiz on quiz panel and make it more noticable. :cool:

The top already has the 5 list on it?

I'll look into listing the sub categories inside the category.

I'll also look into making a more visible add quiz button
How? is it there already?
one more thing.. Number of quiz inside category/subcategory shd be visible like number of threads/posts in section/subsection.

Otherwise if i create 10 category and no quiz created in 5 of them, user will waste time by clicking on each..
How? is it there already?
one more thing.. Number of quiz inside category/subcategory shd be visible like number of threads/posts in section/subsection.

Otherwise if i create 10 category and no quiz created in 5 of them, user will waste time by clicking on each..

The main quiz page has 5 quizzes listed, sortable by however the user wants to view them, highest rating, newest, oldest, most taken, etc

I'll add the quiz count to the future feature list
You can also make drop down menu in vbquiz button in bavbar displaying addquiz, view quiz , top 5 quiz etc buttons..
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