I now that some things already are in PRO version and I don't know how they exactly work, so I'll describe how I imagine how this works. Also, I'll assume that some of my previous suggestions are already realized and I'll build on top of that. 
It would be useful if we could have ability to send mail on schedule, similar like we are now able to publish articles. Publish date is time when mail is sent. Till this time is reached, we could edit mail as much as we like.
I don't know if it's possible to have more than one draft in PRO version, but I think it should be so. If not, this could be also feature request for it also.
Anyway, as I suggested, we have "more info" screen (already suggested), and it has more front end features (already suggested) where we see our drafts (we could have more than one draft) like we now see mailing lists. Every draft has it's own publish/schedule time when it would be sent to subscribed users. Drafts are sorted by its publish/schedule time, first are those that will be sent sooner and last are those without publish/schedule time. In this list we see information when draft is scheduled to be published to subscribers, who last edited it and when we click on it we see it's content.
When we click on any draft, we could choose to edit it, or just check it's content. If we choose to edit it, we could set its publish/schedule time and edit it's content. Maybe we could have edit history like we now have for posts, but we at least should know who edited draft last as more than one user could edit drafts. Users who could send mail could edit drafts and set publish/schedule time, users who could see mailing list could only view drafts, or maybe only could see past letters. This option could be set in settings, if we want to allow drafts to be viewable to users with permission to see mailing lists or not. Ok, this last one isn't that important, it's fine if drafts are viewable only to those who could send mails.
When time comes for mail to be published, mail is sent without need to be logged in or anything else. Just like it is now with CMS articles, we could work on article, we could set future date when it will be published and when time comes, article is published and viewable to anyone who has permissions to see it. Only in this case, mail would be sent to subscribed users.
Even if we have only one draft (but it would be great if we could have more drafts, to work on more than one mail at the same time in same mailing list), ability to schedule its "publishing" time is very useful. We could send mail in wee hours when there are much less people online, or use this scheduling to prepare holidays mails and they would be sent automatically while we are themselves on holidays.
Templates would work like your mod vB Post Templates. I don't know how they work now, but we could start some mail, write something and have button to save it to templates. And when starting new one, we could retrieve template and start from there. Anyway, this is maybe already implemented, I just mentioned it here just in case.

It would be useful if we could have ability to send mail on schedule, similar like we are now able to publish articles. Publish date is time when mail is sent. Till this time is reached, we could edit mail as much as we like.
I don't know if it's possible to have more than one draft in PRO version, but I think it should be so. If not, this could be also feature request for it also.

Anyway, as I suggested, we have "more info" screen (already suggested), and it has more front end features (already suggested) where we see our drafts (we could have more than one draft) like we now see mailing lists. Every draft has it's own publish/schedule time when it would be sent to subscribed users. Drafts are sorted by its publish/schedule time, first are those that will be sent sooner and last are those without publish/schedule time. In this list we see information when draft is scheduled to be published to subscribers, who last edited it and when we click on it we see it's content.
When we click on any draft, we could choose to edit it, or just check it's content. If we choose to edit it, we could set its publish/schedule time and edit it's content. Maybe we could have edit history like we now have for posts, but we at least should know who edited draft last as more than one user could edit drafts. Users who could send mail could edit drafts and set publish/schedule time, users who could see mailing list could only view drafts, or maybe only could see past letters. This option could be set in settings, if we want to allow drafts to be viewable to users with permission to see mailing lists or not. Ok, this last one isn't that important, it's fine if drafts are viewable only to those who could send mails.
When time comes for mail to be published, mail is sent without need to be logged in or anything else. Just like it is now with CMS articles, we could work on article, we could set future date when it will be published and when time comes, article is published and viewable to anyone who has permissions to see it. Only in this case, mail would be sent to subscribed users.
Even if we have only one draft (but it would be great if we could have more drafts, to work on more than one mail at the same time in same mailing list), ability to schedule its "publishing" time is very useful. We could send mail in wee hours when there are much less people online, or use this scheduling to prepare holidays mails and they would be sent automatically while we are themselves on holidays.

Templates would work like your mod vB Post Templates. I don't know how they work now, but we could start some mail, write something and have button to save it to templates. And when starting new one, we could retrieve template and start from there. Anyway, this is maybe already implemented, I just mentioned it here just in case.
