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Okay, I looked at your Berserk Ball game. It does NOT support local scoring.

Therefore, the backup method of scoring for this particular game will be the time spent playing, which is formatted as a time. If you change it to "higher scores are better" and give it decimals, it will still not support local scoring, and instead of formatting as a time, the time is seconds will display as the number of seconds.

The reason there is a delay from those scores appearing, is because the session needs to first time out and then process into a score, which again is merely the measure of time spent playing.

Unless you are having trouble getting scores from mochi games that support local scoring, this looks like it is working as designed.
You can narrow down the list of mochi games that support scoring by selecting the "Leaderboards" option from the dropdown when you import, as well as look for the gold trophy icon on the game results.
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Okay, we have installed "Bricks", "Basketball Blitz" and "Egg Crush" from Mochi this game are listed in "Leaderboards" - local scoring do not work for this games....

I meant gold trophy icon above, not green checkmark, but youre on the right track.

I will check those on your site and let you know; dont change the scoring settings from them :D

---------- Post added 14th March 2012 at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was 13th March 2012 at 11:07 ----------

To fix the scoring on your mochi games, you need to upgrade to v1.1.1 of the arcade, released last week :)
I have delete vBArcade - and install v1.1.1

Mochi Game "Magic Memory" installed (support localscoring) - but scoring not work...
Now your problem is you didnt re-enter your mochi publisher ID (and probably also the secret) after you reinstalled :D

so close!
Local Scoring still not work


we have updated to v1.2.0 the scoring still not work for us.

  • Import Game -> Browse Games "Mochi" (Mochi Publisher ID and Secret Key are set at config) -> Discovered Games "From: Leaderboards", we select any game with the trophy icon and install it.
  • go back to the Mainpage -> Arcade -> "Play now" .... we play a while -> Game Over - the Mochi popup inside and we click on "submit score", after that a 2nd click on "back to arcade" in the right up-corner
  • no scoring, neither time nor points - only the information "time spent you / entire forum"

So pls help us.... thank you in advance
Alright, another round of testing on your site, and it appears your .htaccess rewrite rules need to be shuffled around. Mochi games are trying to ping your crossdomain.xml file, but are not getting routed to where it resides.

Please PM me the contents of your (site)/.htaccess file, and I will reply back with what you should replace it with
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