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Hello guys,

I had some ideas that I'd like to have done on my site and thought it might be useful for others as well, so I'm posting this as a feature request for future iterations.

  • The ability to sort images/albums by username as well as the other options.
  • Can we see a numerical value to the ratings as well. Perhaps under the star graphic? For example at the moment we can only see full stars but the actual numerical value of the average rating wouldn't be even. It would be 4.598 for example. This will come in handy later if I decide to offer a contest based on the ratings. This way everyone can see the numerical value brought out to maybe 3 decimal places.
  • I'd like the ability to offer a contest in the future, perhaps a monthly contest. (The contest winners would be based on the final ratings, thus the need for a more accurate numerical showing of the ratings as mentioned above.) This might mean yet another way of sorting images/albums. I'm not sure how this could/should be done. Maybe another tab within the Gallery. It's an idea that certainly needs more input from you guys.
  • An extra tabbed section in the users regular vBulletin profile that shows all their Gallery contributions. This section would just have simple thumbnails and those thumbnails would link back to the gallery for viewing.

Thank you guys for a great mod and all your help.
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The sort/search by username is already coded in the 1.2.x version, I'll check out the other ones when I have some free time. The contest will probably have to wait a bit as that would be fairly large to add, the profile thumbnails will probably be doable while I'm adding the side profile block. The disable links is fairly easy, will definitely add that in 1.2
Thanks Dylan.

I figured the contest/rating part would be a bigger job. When I come up with more of an idea about it I can add it here. Just as food for thought.

Thanks for adding the other stuff.

By the way I really appreciate the great service you give here. Not exactly easy to come by in the industry sad to say. So thank you very much.
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