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Also with previous versions had this problem.
I noticed the problem because google analytics found an error in the sitemap: sitemap sent from dbseo it's empty.

Pressing the button "build sitemap" I get this message:

Appunti Windows-1.webp

After removing the session and sent the sitemap to google, everything it's ok, also for google analytics, but the next day the problem returns.

I also noticed that the "Planned Operations" of vBulletin, the time when dbseo make the sitemap never changes. I have set 09:00 in dbseo settings, but in vB Planned Operations I see always 00:00. Is that correct?

Appunti Windows-2.webp Appunti Windows-3.webp

Thank in advance, ciao ! ;)

For Fillip H.: I removed the test board because it sucks a lot of resources. If you need that, you tell me :)
The link is correct. If it's wrong for you, please check to see that the phrase dbtech_dbseo_invalid_sitemap_content_type has not been translated and left in a broken state.

The display you're seeing in the Scheduled Tasks means it's running once an hour, not only at midnight :)
I tried first with manual search but I not found the phrase. Next, I tried to search only half of the phrase and no receive result. Sorry for bad english :Pranslation not is present.

EDIT: ok I found it, but ITA translation not is present. What should I do?

Appunti Windows-1.webp

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The /dbtech/dbseo/includes/class_sitemap.php file could be outdated. Check that file for invalid_sitemap_content_type and make sure it uses the phrase with the dbtech_dbseo_ prefix.
Update: The reason for this is that the vB4 XML Sitemap has been left enabled, and a conflict currently exists in both sitemaps are enabled.

Please disable the vB4 XML Sitemap via the vBulletin Options, leaving only DBSEO enabled.
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