Question Transaction History

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I can't find any setting for who has access to the transaction history. Is this something that everyone can view? This may end up moving from a Question to a Feature Request, but I would like transaction history to only show the history for that user, not everyone else's history. Ideally this could be permissions-based (e.g. Admins could have access to view all transaction history), although that's not strictly necessary since Admins can still view all transaction history in the Admin Panel.
User group permission: "View any transaction log entry" - with this set to No, they can only view transactions they are party to :)
Can you tell me where you're seeing that exactly? I'm in user group permissions and there is no "View any transaction log entry" setting. This is on Xenforo 2.1.4.
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Oh sorry I thought this was in DB Credits, my bad 😅

There is no front-end transaction history in DB Shop as far as I can recall.
I'm a moron. I forget that by default Xenforo doesn't have the moderator permissions displayed for normal user groups, so when I did a search (Ctrl+F) for "View any transaction log entry" I didn't find it because the panel that contained that entry was collapsed. That answers my question. You can close this ticket as resolved. :)
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