Bug Unsubscribe feedback Amazon SES issue

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When I unsubscribe and leave feedback I get the below in my server error log. The way I read it it's trying to send an email on behalf of the user (reply-to set to email addy I assume) via Amazon SES which is my default transport which breaks Amazon SES rules as you know unless you whitelist each user email addy. Obviously feedback email was not received.

  • Swift_TransportException: Email to info@mysite.com failed: Expected response code 250 but got code "554", with message "554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-1: NikTest <support@mytestuser.ca> "
  • src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php:383
  • Generated by: NikTest
  • May 17, 2019 at 8:56 AM
Stack trace
#0 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(281): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_assertResponseCode('554 Message rej...', Array)
#1 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/EsmtpTransport.php(270): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->executeCommand('
', Array, Array)
#2 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(333): Swift_Transport_EsmtpTransport->executeCommand('
', Array)
#3 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(428): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_streamMessage(Object(Swift_Message))
#4 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(444): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_doMailTransaction(Object(Swift_Message), 'do-not-reply+83...', Array, Array)
#5 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(176): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_sendTo(Object(Swift_Message), 'do-not-reply+83...', Array, Array)
#6 src/XF/Mail/Mailer.php(292): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->send(Object(Swift_Message), Array)
#7 src/XF/Mail/Mail.php(395): XF\Mail\Mailer->send(Object(Swift_Message), Object(Swift_SmtpTransport), NULL, true)
#8 src/addons/DBTech/Mail/XF/Pub/Controller/EmailStop.php(130): XF\Mail\Mail->send()
#9 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(321): DBTech\Mail\XF\Pub\Controller\EmailStop->actionDbtechMailMailingListFeedback(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#10 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(244): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass('XF:EmailStop', 'DbtechMailMaili...', Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(DBTech\Mail\XF\Pub\Controller\EmailStop), NULL)
#11 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(100): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(DBTech\Mail\XF\Pub\Controller\EmailStop), NULL)
#12 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(50): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch))
#13 src/XF/App.php(2177): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#14 src/XF.php(390): XF\App->run()
#15 index.php(20): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#16 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
["url"] => string(85) "/email-stop/4897/dbtech-mail-mailing-list-feedback?c=9cf7f7ec3ee7d53eba4efa359099d48e"
["referrer"] => string(110) "https://mysite.com/email-stop/4897/dbtech-mail-mailing-list?c=9cf7f7ec3ee7d53eba4efa359099d48e"
["_GET"] => array(2) {
["/email-stop/4897/dbtech-mail-mailing-list-feedback"] => string(0) ""
["c"] => string(32) "9cf7f7ec3ee7d53eba4efa359099d48e"
["_POST"] => array(4) {
["unsubscribereason"] => string(1) "2"
["c"] => string(32) "9cf7f7ec3ee7d53eba4efa359099d48e"
["stop"] => string(25) "dbtech_mail_mailinglist:1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "****"
This is not a bug in this mod. You must untick "Sender info in from header on contact emails" when using Amazon SES.
This is not a bug in this mod. You must untick "Sender info in from header on contact emails" when using Amazon SES.

Already unticked otherwise my contact forms wouldn't work assuming you mean the XF one. I don't see an option in your mod for this specifically.
Already unticked otherwise my contact forms wouldn't work assuming you mean the XF one. I don't see an option in your mod for this specifically.

Wait... I did receive 1 feedback email, 2 of the 3 attempts failed with that error so it's looking like one of those issues... But for sure my sender info has been unticked since day one as I'm an SES user.
Aha, I understand. I've applied a hot fix to Beta 2 that should resolve the issue, let me know if it fixes it for you :)
Btw @Fillip H. I'm still getting the same errors landing back in my server log from before the fix after I clear them. I believe they're related to the earlier issues this morning. Same issue triggered by job.php.

I checked xf_job table and I don't see anything weird, I do see xf\job\mailqueue there perpetually which I assume is normal? So I'm wondering where these latent errors are coming from.
Are you sure the error message and stack trace is 100% identical?

This is one of the two errors that keep coming back. It's the same two test users that I used yesterday to trigger the feedback hence why I suspect it's the same issue. I have not since used feedback nor do I have any newsletters going out yet,

  • Swift_TransportException: Email to info@mysite.com failed: Expected response code 250 but got code "554", with message "554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region US-EAST-1: NikTest <support@mytestuser.ca> "
  • src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php:383
  • Generated by: Unknown account
  • May 18, 2019 at 6:02 AM
Stack trace
#0 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(281): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_assertResponseCode('554 Message rej...', Array)
#1 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/EsmtpTransport.php(270): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->executeCommand('
', Array, Array)
#2 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(333): Swift_Transport_EsmtpTransport->executeCommand('
', Array)
#3 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(428): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_streamMessage(Object(Swift_Message))
#4 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(444): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_doMailTransaction(Object(Swift_Message), 'do-not-reply+83...', Array, Array)
#5 src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php(176): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->_sendTo(Object(Swift_Message), 'do-not-reply+83...', Array, Array)
#6 src/XF/Mail/Mailer.php(292): Swift_Transport_AbstractSmtpTransport->send(Object(Swift_Message), Array)
#7 src/XF/Mail/Queue.php(138): XF\Mail\Mailer->send(Object(Swift_Message), Object(Swift_SmtpTransport), Array)
#8 src/XF/Job/MailQueue.php(12): XF\Mail\Queue->run(G)
#9 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(253): XF\Job\MailQueue->run(G)
#10 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(195): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, G)
#11 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(79): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, G)
#12 job.php(42): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#13 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
["url"] => string(8) "/job.php"
["referrer"] => string(88) "https://mysite.com/threads/look-what-followed-me-home-today.27015/page-2"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
That's not the same stack trace, and I see nothing to indicate that error originates within this mod.

The feedback system is the only part of this mod that actually sets up a new mailer object, everything else uses XF2's default UserEmail job, which is the same one being used when you email users via the AdminCP's Communication form.

In other words, if any part of that was bugged then it would not be possible for you to send email via the AdminCP either.
That's not the same stack trace, and I see nothing to indicate that error originates within this mod.

The feedback system is the only part of this mod that actually sets up a new mailer object, everything else uses XF2's default UserEmail job, which is the same one being used when you email users via the AdminCP's Communication form.

In other words, if any part of that was bugged then it would not be possible for you to send email via the AdminCP either.

Hmm.. I'm going by history here. Installed your updated addon, tested feedback unsub email functionality, got the above 554 SES validation errors (triggered by feedback request as per original post), found bug which you fixed, rebuilt addon, tested feedback with same 2 test users, confirmed I'm getting emails back now but job.php is triggering the same 554 errors (2 of them) for the same 2 test user accounts which are definitely not doing anything that would generate this. Seems to happen every few hours. It's as if there's a job stuck somewhere but xf_job doesn't show anything unusual.

My admin ACP emails are working fine. My contact form is working fine. Not sure how to clear these guys. Predicament time.

I've disabled subscription feedback feature and will monitor to see if they come back. I realise the stack trace doesn't point to your addon but these are definitely the accounts that were used for testing yesterday.
Last edited:
Hello @ichpen,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Mail has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
Hello @ichpen,

As we have not heard back from you, your ticket regarding DragonByte Mail has now been closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, please feel free to start a new support ticket and link back to this ticket.

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Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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DragonByte Mail

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