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I just tried this on a vB 4.1.5 site and has successful in disabling it from the manage products page I would re download the product from your members area, re upload it, import the xml, then try to disable it in the manage products page.
Are you positive that vBNotifications is causing this? The mod doesn't interact with blocks in any way. If you are positive could you send me login info for your site? Thanks! :)
Are you positive that vBNotifications is causing this? The mod doesn't interact with blocks in any way. If you are positive could you send me login info for your site? Thanks! :)

No it's not vBNotification David
I was just coming back to report. :D
I tried re-downloading and installing vBNotification and when that didn't work.
I was just focused on the vBNoifications fix when this happened. I then tested to see if it happened when enabling or disabling other mods and indeed it happen with other mods.

[hide]Then a refresh 4.1.5 vBulletin install - still did not fix the class_block php

Looks like a bad php ini flag. Once turned it off it went away[/hide]
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Legacy vBNotifications

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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