Bug VB Donate Broken After Fresh Install

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Note: The Website URL on the ticket is BloodfinEMU: [url]www.bloodfin.net : The worlds most advanced Star Wars Galaxies Emulator[/url], HOWEVER that is not the forum URL. The we are bringing up new forums and they are located at Bloodfin Emu -

Bloodfin EMU Forums
, that is where we are having problems. However if I put that IP in your Website URL field, everything breaks and I get redirected back to your home page. That was fun to find out after having already typed this all once.


We just installed vBDonate on a new VB 5 instance. After doing so, there are a few problems.

1. The VB Donate settings pages have broken "Go Back to vBDonate Dashboard" images and links. I had to manually fix these in product_dbtechvbdonate.xml. img src="../core/packages/dbtechvbdonate/images/admin/vbd_dash1.png" needed to be img src="./core/packages/dbtechvbdonate/images/admin/vbd_dash1.png" and a href="vbdonate.php?do=main" needed to be a href="./admincp/vbdonate.php?do=main". Note the relative path issues. Is this normal?

2. After configuring all of my paypal settings and contribution bar settings I find that:
a) The contribution bar does not reflect my changes. It just shows zero.
b) The contribute button does nothing.

3. The contribute button only seems to show up for admins. My test users don't even see it.

I have performed a Repair Cache. Uninstalled / reinstalled. Reset styles. Removed / readded the widget. Nothing.

Essentially nothing is working. Any thoughts?
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That was fun to find out after having already typed this all once.
That is due to mod_security.

1. The VB Donate settings pages have broken "Go Back to vBDonate Dashboard" images and links. I had to manually fix these in product_dbtechvbdonate.xml. img src="../core/packages/dbtechvbdonate/images/admin/vbd_dash1.png" needed to be img src="./core/packages/dbtechvbdonate/images/admin/vbd_dash1.png" and a href="vbdonate.php?do=main" needed to be a href="./admincp/vbdonate.php?do=main". Note the relative path issues. Is this normal?
This happens randomly whenever new vB5 versions are released. They flip-flop between requiring one or two dots to provide a correct path, it's actually getting mildly irritating to have to change it back and forth every 2 months...

2. After configuring all of my paypal settings and contribution bar settings I find that:
a) The contribution bar does not reflect my changes. It just shows zero.
What changes are you referring to?

b) The contribute button does nothing.
This is probably something 5.2.6 has broken again, all vB5 mods that I've attempted to run will randomly break during new version updates.

At the moment, this mod hasn't been tested on vB 5.2.6, I'll look into that as soon as I can :)

PS: If you have a choice at all, I would strongly recommend avoiding vBulletin 5 at all costs. It is not a platform that lends itself to custom modifications, so unless you're happy running the forum "vanilla", it's not advised to upgrade an existing forum to vB5 or use vB5 as a base for a new forum.
What changes are you referring to?

Basically just setting my PayPal address, contribution goals, etc. Essentially filling in the blanks in the admincp.

This is probably something 5.2.6 has broken again, all vB5 mods that I've attempted to run will randomly break during new version updates.

At the moment, this mod hasn't been tested on vB 5.2.6, I'll look into that as soon as I can :)

Awesome. We aren't taking this new forum live for a bit so there's no huge rush :P

PS: If you have a choice at all, I would strongly recommend avoiding vBulletin 5 at all costs. It is not a platform that lends itself to custom modifications, so unless you're happy running the forum "vanilla", it's not advised to upgrade an existing forum to vB5 or use vB5 as a base for a new forum.

I'm posting on behalf of the site owner, but yeah it's basically bought and paid for so we're in it now. I'm just handling all the setup at this point. But yeah, from what I've been seeing, you are absolutely right about it's modability. That said, I don't know how much custom stuff we'll need (of course now that I've said that, I've cursed myself).
I'm posting on behalf of the site owner, but yeah it's basically bought and paid for so we're in it now. I'm just handling all the setup at this point. But yeah, from what I've been seeing, you are absolutely right about it's modability.
Fair enough. At this point it's looking unlikely we will ever update our vB5 mods to add new functionality and/or add the functionality missing from the vB4 versions, due to how unfriendly the platform is to mod developers.

We have reported numerous issues going back as far as 2012, and a lot of them still remain unresolved.

In short, it's near enough impossible for us to provide the same level of quality as our vB3/vB4 products on vB5, and installing updates to vB5 may very well break all your modifications again.

If it's not too late for the site owner to get a refund, I would recommend XenForo instead. I would go so far as to say the quality of our mods on that platform surpass their vB3/vB4 counterparts :)

If that ends up being an option, I'd be happy to switch your vB5 licence of Donate over to the XenForo version :)
Fair enough. At this point it's looking unlikely we will ever update our vB5 mods to add new functionality and/or add the functionality missing from the vB4 versions, due to how unfriendly the platform is to mod developers.

We have reported numerous issues going back as far as 2012, and a lot of them still remain unresolved.

In short, it's near enough impossible for us to provide the same level of quality as our vB3/vB4 products on vB5, and installing updates to vB5 may very well break all your modifications again.

If it's not too late for the site owner to get a refund, I would recommend XenForo instead. I would go so far as to say the quality of our mods on that platform surpass their vB3/vB4 counterparts :)

If that ends up being an option, I'd be happy to switch your vB5 licence of Donate over to the XenForo version :)

I'll bring it up with them. However, I've recently finished a change to a game server we run to allow for authentication against the VB platform (and writing that again for a new platform doesn't sound like much fun :P)

I'm assuming you guys plan on attempting to maintain the basic functionality of VB donate for VB 5 right? In so far as the click to send us money thing anyway. If so, should I just check back periodically for new releases?
I'm assuming you guys plan on attempting to maintain the basic functionality of VB donate for VB 5 right? In so far as the click to send us money thing anyway. If so, should I just check back periodically for new releases?
Yeah, unless a new vB5 version is released that completely changes the code base in such a way that nothing is salvageable (e.g. vB4 -> vB5 port, that level of difference), what you see is also what you should get :)

It's unlikely there will be any new version releases at this point, to be honest. I would much rather hotfix the existing versions, so that existing customers who have bought 3 Month / 1 Y licences can still receive updates.
Update: I am unable to replicate any of these issues locally on 5.2.6, sorry :(

Can you please PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account for your site?
Update: I had to fix up my usergroups for everyone to see the contribute button. It's showing up now.

But yeah, it still only works on the Contributions tab, not the widget :/
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Another thing of note that may be of help.

On the Contributions tab, when I click the Contribution List link, I see the following notice:

Notice: Undefined index: vbdonate in .../vb5/route.php on line 880
I'm unable to replicate either of these issues, sorry :(

I click the widget on the main page, I get taken to the contributions tab, and clicking the button there takes me to PayPal as you would expect.

Can you please provide step-by-step instructions for replicating this issue?
I'm unable to replicate either of these issues, sorry :(

I click the widget on the main page, I get taken to the contributions tab, and clicking the button there takes me to PayPal as you would expect.

Can you please provide step-by-step instructions for replicating this issue?

So I just tried again, and right now everything just seems to work...which is incredibly confusing, but certainly good news.

I was thinking perhaps I had something bad cached or something but I tried multiple browsers and had the same results. However now everything is just fine.

Soooo, that's great. I apologize for taking up your time with this...I was poking at it for a while and to see it just start working is...well it is what it is.

I do have one question for you. Should donations made via the PayPal sandbox be showing up in the donation list? I'm currently configured to use my business sandbox address, and the test donations where made using my personal sandbox address.

Is there any other configuration needed to make them auto populate?

Thanks again for your assistance. Really.
They shouldn't affect the progress bar, in the DB they should have the test flag.


I see the transactions in the dbtech_vbdonate_transaction table, however nothing in the dbtech_vbdonate_donations table.

Interestingly, when I try to add a contribution manually (whether selecting Test Contribution or not), I get the following error:


Looking at the MySQL trace, the only mention of vb donate I see is:

                 3197 Query     SELECT * FROM routenew
 WHERE `prefix` IN ('vbdonatecontribute/updateContribution','vbdonatecontribute')

That query returns nothing

Looking at the routenew table:

mysql> select * from routenew where `product` IN ('dbtechvbdonate');
| routeid | name            | redirect301 | prefix          | regex                                                    | class                                  | controller | action | template | arguments                                          | contentid | product        | guid                                   |
|     193 | vbdonate/modify |        NULL | vbdonate/modify | vbdonate/modify(?P<params>(/[^?]+)*)                     | DBTechvBDonate_Route_Contribute_Modify | page       | index  |          | a:1:{s:6:"pageid";s:3:"169";}                      |       169 | dbtechvbdonate | dbtechvbdonate-5249be64603ad0.60817309 |
|     194 | vbdonate/list   |        NULL | vbdonate/list   | vbdonate/list(?:/page(?P<pagenum>[0-9]+))?               | DBTechvBDonate_Route_Contribute_List   | page       | index  |          | a:1:{s:6:"pageid";s:3:"169";}                      |       169 | dbtechvbdonate | dbtechvbdonate-5193943f5097e2.01705348 |
|     195 | settings        |        NULL | settings        | settings/(?P<tab>dbtech-vbdonate-settings)               | vB5_Route_Settings                     | page       | index  |          | a:2:{s:3:"tab";s:4:"$tab";s:6:"pageid";s:3:"168";} |         0 | dbtechvbdonate | dbtechvbdonate-50bb6a477ec0c4.75835191 |
|     196 | vbdonate        |        NULL | vbdonate        | vbdonate/(?P<action>[A-Za-z0-9_-]+)(?P<params>(/[^?]+)*) | DBTechvBDonate_Route_Contribute        | page       | index  |          | a:1:{s:6:"pageid";s:3:"169";}                      |       169 | dbtechvbdonate | dbtechvbdonate-50bb6a5c739248.32620546 |
|     197 | vbdonate        |        NULL | vbdonate        | vbdonate                                                 | DBTechvBDonate_Route_Contribute        | page       | index  |          | a:1:{s:6:"pageid";s:3:"169";}                      |       169 | dbtechvbdonate | dbtechvbdonate-50bccf2b3919f1.26098553 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

It doesn't look like the the routes that query is looking for exist, but then I don't entirely know the context of all the queries, so I could be chasing ghosts :P

I'm attaching the entire trace from when I hit the "Save" button on the Add Contributor Manually page, in case you are interested.


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I've added a hotfix to v1.4.1a6 that should resolve this.

It seems the hotfix corrected the manually contribution issue. Thanks!

However I am definitely still seeing some oddities.

1. I added a few contributions manually as non-test contributions. After confirming them, I see the donation bar has not updated (though the total contributions do reflect the new manual adds). Is there anything special that needs to be done for manual contributions?

2. I went through the entire Contribute -> PayPal flow in sandbox mode to test things. The contribution does not appear in the Contributions List.

mysql> select * from dbtech_vbdonate_donations;
| id | userid | amount | dateline   | confirmed | userip      | testdon | disclose | anonymous | fee  | tax  | netamount | response | prevusergroupid | nodeid | transactionid |
|  1 |     13 | 500.00 | 1486728000 |         1 | xx.xx.xxx.x |       0 |        1 |         0 | 0.00 | 0.00 |      5.00 |          |               0 |      0 |             0 |
|  2 |     13 | 500.00 | 1487851920 |         1 | xx.xx.xxx.x |       0 |        1 |         0 | 0.00 | 0.00 |    500.00 |          |               0 |      0 |             0 |

mysql> select * from dbtech_vbdonate_transaction;
| id | userid | amount | dateline   | userip      | testdon | disclose | anonymous |
|  1 |      1 |     10 | 1487900455 | xx.xx.xxx.x |       1 |        1 |         0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The donations table shows my manual contribution adds, and the transaction table shows my test transaction. Should test transactions show up as donations?

Also, after doing this my donation bar still doesn't reflect any monthly contributions (but I feel like this is to be expected if the transaction isn't a donation yet, and I believe you said earlier that test transactions won't show show up on the bar).

3. On the contribution list, the filters seem to be not working for my manually added contributions. If I select any filter, they vanish.
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It's going to take some time to fully investigate all of these issues, as I'm currently busy with other projects. I'll keep this tab open and get to it as soon as I can :)
It's going to take some time to fully investigate all of these issues, as I'm currently busy with other projects. I'll keep this tab open and get to it as soon as I can :)

Take your time man. I've got no problem debugging a bit on my end and passing info along your way. :)

If I can provide any other info I'll be glad to do so.
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Legacy vBDonate

vBulletin 5.0.x vBulletin 5.1.x vBulletin 5.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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