Bug VBcredits Deluxe II HUGE Database Tables

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Can you please make a way to delete the transactions history? It becomes very very big. In a few months my credits_transaction table became 398MB. In this way in 1 year it will become 1 GB.
There must be a way to delete the transaction history older than a certain number of days!
Like the system to remember the last amount of credits each user had but without showing all the details older than an X number of days.

Xenforo for example has the same system. And you can set to delete all the transaction history older than X days. Otherwise your database will become VERY huge.
Transaction log cannot be pruned without reversing all transactions first, otherwise the system cannot function as a closed system (ie, discrepancies can arise with which you wont be able to trace the reason)
Thanks for answering!

I would like to make a suggestion. It would be a really big implementation if you could find a way to be able to prune the transaction history without reversing the points.

Anyway, no one cares about all transactions made 1 year ago for all the users in the forum, not to mention the case when you have a 5 year forum or older.

The fact that there isn't a way to delete the transaction history older than an X number of days is a huge disadvantage, especially for big boards with thousands of members and transactions each day. The database becomes a few GB (just the credits_transactions table)!

Please take this into consideration because it would be a HUGE improvement of this mod!
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Legacy vBCredits II Deluxe

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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