Bug vbNominte doesn't seem to be working as if it was not installed at all!

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Sam Chacko

New member
I installed the Lite version yesterday, and I checked everything I could think of in the ACP, but couldn't figure out why I don't see anything on the forum. As I said, it's as if I didn't install anything.

Do you see the nominate settings in the options area or the left pane nominate link?
Dylan, I do apologize. Apparently, I didn't go to the user groups, and see which group is able to nominate. I checked the 'Yes' and now I can see the nominate tab on the threads where it should be. Sorry for the waste of time. All your mods (I have installed 5-6 of them) are fantastic. Let's hope my income will let me slowly go on to the Pro versions.
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