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What you want to do is turn on auto idle and see how that affects load.

If the load is still too high turn off guest viewing of shoutbox

With auto idle off all of your 180 or so users AND your guests are all using resources. By turning on auto idle only people actually using the shoutbox will be utilising resources, and by disabling it for guests it stops guests using your resources as well.

If you do these two things you should also be able to raise your idle timeout so that people can use the shoutbox more fluidly since only the people participating will be using up resources.

where's this auto-idle option located? I am only seeing these three options:
- Idle Timeout = 180
- Shoutbox Refresh Speed = 7
- Shoutbox Refresh Speed - Idle = 5

Would you happen to be running vbseo? If so I would tell vbseo to ignore the shoutbox scripts.

Yes I am using vbSEO as well, how to I ignore the shoutbox script? is there any setting available for this in VBSEO? (though I notice that vbSEO don't re-write shoutbox URLS)
I'm not here trying to brag, but its pointless to throw on auto idle as it pisses off users of the shout who either are checking pm's, checking a thread someone posted in the shout or are surfing back and fourth. Seeing that you have a dedicated rig, there is no reason for you at all to be using the database system to store the shouts. Configure the Shoutbox Opt mode into FILE SYSTEM. This will take a huge burden off your SQL activity. It literally took me 3 hrs to find the proper way to tune this shoutbox after using inferno pro for the last 3 years.

I use the following settings:

Optimization ON: File System
All Deep Logging OFF - What's the point when you have an Archive...
Idle Time Out: 350
Shoutbox Refresh Rate: 3
Shout Refresh Rate IDLE (PRO): 2

Currently Active Users: 335 (204 members and 131 guests)
Page generated in 0.51261 seconds with 20 queries [Server Loads: 1.30 1.31 : 1.28]

Granted, my server is a Dual Six Core Nehlaem With Hyperthreading (12 Physical/12 Hyperthreading), 24 Gigs Of Ram and 6X300GB SAS 15K RAID 10

However, the file system handling for your shoutbox is key. Over a course of a few days, you can begin to lower your refresh rates in the box for better performance.
Just a heads up that deep level logging is there to allow you to keep track of *everything* (staff actions, pruned shoutbox logs etc). If you have staff you trust 110% though then theres no harm in turning it off as mentioned above.

With auto idle, members who keep a tab with the shoutbox open (Or open it into its own page as you can do) won't have to keep clicking off of "auto idle" - I know that i personally use ctrl-click to check out new things on DBTech and leave the forum homepage up at all times ^.^

Bear in mind as well Hal that even with the shoutbox completely disabled Inf3rno's CPU was running at over 2 load, so it's likely your extra ram and CPU power is making a huge difference =)
(4gb vs 24gb and 4 cores vs 24 theoretical cores.) =P. I'd be surprised if your setup keeps inf3rno's load below 3/4, but it's worth a try i suppose.
Yes I am using vbSEO as well, how to I ignore the shoutbox script? is there any setting available for this in VBSEO? (though I notice that vbSEO don't re-write shoutbox URLS)

It use to be an option you could tell vbseo to ignore scripts by file name. I no longer run vbseo so I could not look it up.

I'm not here trying to brag, but its pointless to throw on auto idle as it pisses off users of the shout who either are checking pm's, checking a thread someone posted in the shout or are surfing back and fourth. Seeing that you have a dedicated rig, there is no reason for you at all to be using the database system to store the shouts. Configure the Shoutbox Opt mode into FILE SYSTEM. This will take a huge burden off your SQL activity. It literally took me 3 hrs to find the proper way to tune this shoutbox after using inferno pro for the last 3 years.

I use the following settings:

Optimization ON: File System
All Deep Logging OFF - What's the point when you have an Archive...
Idle Time Out: 350
Shoutbox Refresh Rate: 3
Shout Refresh Rate IDLE (PRO): 2

Currently Active Users: 335 (204 members and 131 guests)
Page generated in 0.51261 seconds with 20 queries [Server Loads: 1.30 1.31 : 1.28]

Granted, my server is a Dual Six Core Nehlaem With Hyperthreading (12 Physical/12 Hyperthreading), 24 Gigs Of Ram and 6X300GB SAS 15K RAID 10

However, the file system handling for your shoutbox is key. Over a course of a few days, you can begin to lower your refresh rates in the box for better performance.

Your running an ungodly server that is super overkill for 335 users. I run 2k users on 2 smaller boxes and can not break 1k load(no shoutbox). May I ask why you have such a high end server for 335 users on?
I hope the answer is "Because I can." Just because... I love the abuse of hardware, plus it's Intel and that's a good thing. I think you need MORE POWER!! =) I'd love to have half of that, hehe
It use to be an option you could tell vbseo to ignore scripts by file name. I no longer run vbseo so I could not look it up.

Your running an ungodly server that is super overkill for 335 users. I run 2k users on 2 smaller boxes and can not break 1k load(no shoutbox). May I ask why you have such a high end server for 335 users on?

I do not run just one forum off this box. I run a network of forums off this box. I pay less then $500 a month for such a box. :) I dont like slow forums, slow searching or upset users. I easily get $1200 a month off user donations simply because of how i operate my forums and what users get. This doesnt account for the ungodly amount of vendors that i have paying in each month.
it seems as though vbseo definately has a negative reaction with this shoutbox. vbseo ends up creating hundreds of processes that never close, eventually bringing the server to a hault.
anyone know the proper htaccess rules to block dbtech folder and vbshout.php so vbseo doesn't look at it?

i tried to edit htaccess myself but I am rather unfamiliar with it.. along with regex is this right?

# Comment the following line (add '#' at the beginning)
# to disable mod_rewrite functions.
# Please note: you still need to disable the hack in
# the vBSEO control panel to stop url rewrites.
RewriteEngine On

# Some servers require the Rewritebase directive to be
# enabled (remove '#' at the beginning to activate)
# Please note: when enabled, you must include the path
# to your root vB folder (i.e. RewriteBase /forums/)
#RewriteBase /

#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.yourdomain\.com
#RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301]

RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap_).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|modcp/|cron|vbseo_sitemap|dbtech/)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/vbshout\.php$
RewriteRule ^((archive/)?(.*\.php(/.*)?))$ vbseo.php [L,QSA]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/(admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images|dbtech)/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^/vbshout\.php$
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ vbseo.php [L,QSA]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^.*$
rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc]
Last edited:
The shoutbox routes content through ajax.php, to block that would mean blocking all scripts that route through ajax which may break some of vBSEO's functionality.
it seems as though vbseo definately has a negative reaction with this shoutbox. vbseo ends up creating hundreds of processes that never close, eventually bringing the server to a hault.
anyone know the proper htaccess rules to block dbtech folder and vbshout.php so vbseo doesn't look at it?

i tried to edit htaccess myself but I am rather unfamiliar with it.. along with regex is this right?

# Comment the following line (add '#' at the beginning)
# to disable mod_rewrite functions.
# Please note: you still need to disable the hack in
# the vBSEO control panel to stop url rewrites.
RewriteEngine On

# Some servers require the Rewritebase directive to be
# enabled (remove '#' at the beginning to activate)
# Please note: when enabled, you must include the path
# to your root vB folder (i.e. RewriteBase /forums/)
#RewriteBase /

#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.yourdomain\.com
#RewriteRule (.*)$1 [L,R=301]

RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap_).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|modcp/|cron|vbseo_sitemap|dbtech/)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/vbshout\.php$
RewriteRule ^((archive/)?(.*\.php(/.*)?))$ vbseo.php [L,QSA]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !/(admincp|modcp|clientscript|cpstyles|images|dbtech)/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^/vbshout\.php$
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ vbseo.php [L,QSA]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^.*$
rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc]

No need for all of this silliness.. Just goto your Admin Control Panel.. Then VBSEO>GENERAL SETTINGS.. couple sections down you will see EXCLUDED PAGES.. just type vbshout.php then hit save. Done
unfortunately that doesnt work haltech :P that was the first thing i tried lol. 10 minutes later i have 80 vbseo.php instances open on my webserver bringing it to a crawl.
Deceptor and Fillip H. will have a look as soon as they are able to work out how to stop VBSEO going crazy :P
Discussed this with Fillip H., best solution is to migrate the ajax functionality to vbshout.php rather than hook into ajax.php - that way exclusions will work from vBSEO. It'll be implemented in the next release I believe.
is there news of this? i had to stop using vbshoutbox months ago and replace it with a shoutbox i dont really prefer :\

hope you guys figure it out soon :)
is there news of this? i had to stop using vbshoutbox months ago and replace it with a shoutbox i dont really prefer :\

hope you guys figure it out soon :)

At the moment vbshout is 3rd on the list of mods to be updated once our thanks mod goes gold. It is likely to be done at some point in january.

The shoutbox itself should not cause load issues if it is properly configured, unfortunately we have to account for the load vBSEO adds =(. The vast majority of our (and according to a source at their) load support requests are caused by vBSEO =(

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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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