Since upgrading to PHP 7.1 my site has been beset by errors like this in the PHP-FPM log. There are dozens of these errors every minute:
Any ideas what I can do besides moving to Xenforo?
I have Redis running, which VBOptimise uses. Not sure what to do about this and quite disappointed that I might have to downgrade my PHP version in order to keep using DBSEO.
[29-Oct-2019 23:10:11] WARNING: [pool *****] child 24304, script '/srv/users/serverpilot/apps/*******/public/forum/dbseo.php' (request: "GET /forum/dbseo.php") executing too slow (6.005279 sec), logging
Any ideas what I can do besides moving to Xenforo?

I have Redis running, which VBOptimise uses. Not sure what to do about this and quite disappointed that I might have to downgrade my PHP version in order to keep using DBSEO.