Question Very slow DBSEO.php with PHP 7.1 (PHP-FPM) on VB 4.25. Any ideas how to fix it?

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Since upgrading to PHP 7.1 my site has been beset by errors like this in the PHP-FPM log. There are dozens of these errors every minute:
[29-Oct-2019 23:10:11] WARNING: [pool *****] child 24304, script '/srv/users/serverpilot/apps/*******/public/forum/dbseo.php' (request: "GET /forum/dbseo.php") executing too slow (6.005279 sec), logging

Any ideas what I can do besides moving to Xenforo? :D

I have Redis running, which VBOptimise uses. Not sure what to do about this and quite disappointed that I might have to downgrade my PHP version in order to keep using DBSEO.
This is not actually correct. The reason why monitoring scripts say dbseo.php take up a lot of resources is the fact that every request is piped through that file.

If your pages load fine then you should consider disabling that inspection.
If your pages load fine then you should consider disabling that inspection.

Thank you for the reply but no my pages don't load fine at all. Neither do yours judging by the way that for the past hour your site has been unavailable. OK I take your point about the vagueness of the slow log entries and I will investigate further.
In case this helps anyone else in future I will post how I seem to have solved this. I had the wrong idea previously, it was nothing to do with moving to PHP 7.1, by coincidence that was the time at which my site had a drop off in traffic. The reduced traffic meant that the PHP-FPM processes on my server were regularly stopping, as I had the process manager setting on "ondemand" (which is the recommended setting for most websites).

I noticed that starting PHP-FPM processes took a long time on my server when DBSEO.php was involved, I have no idea why this is.

So the solution in my case was to set the PHP-FPM process manager setting to be "static" not "ondemand" and thus keep a high number of PHP-FPM processes permanently on. I also increased the opcode memory of these, which is not advisable unless you have a lot of RAM on your server obviously.

Thankfully it looks like I can continue to use the excellent DBSEO on my rickety old VBulletin 4 setup like this!
Hi there @furnival.
We are small vb forum people..

Can we answer how you fixed this basic stuff:
=== The log doesn't say it takes up a lot of resources, it says it regularly takes over 5 seconds to execute.

==== "ondemand" (which is the recommended setting for most websites).

=== I also increased the opcode memory
Hello @furnival,

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- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.
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