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I understand what you say. But if I, let's say buy a new washing machine, I would expect the user guide to be included. I don't want to first have to go to their website, and open a thread, to ask how to use it.
True, but how many mods for vBulletin have you seen with full documentation on how to use every aspect of the mod, I have not seen many unless it was a very simple one with minimal options to set or configure.
But that is why they offer lite versions, so a user can see what the mod does and learn it, then if they find it works with their site and like it then they buy the Pro version
Yeah, I saw that it is in the works months ago. But really, have your guides ready by release of a mod.

That would delay the release of the mod which is something most people wouldn't like.

As a compromise i suggest not purchasing/downloading any mods until they have manuals created for them - this way you can fulfill your wish of not using the mod until a manual is available for it, and the people who would rather have the mod earlier without a manual can. Since to create a manual for the mod before release would delay the mod significantly anyway you should end up getting the mods at roughly the same time you would have if we followed your suggestion.

Feel free to ask about a mod having a manual before downloading/purchasing and we'll be sure to let you know.

I was merely making some suggestions. And by looking over your forum, I am not the only one who would like a user guide. But your answer to me seems a bit sarcastic to me, which I really don't see the need for.
I was merely making some suggestions. And by looking over your forum, I am not the only one who would like a user guide. But your answer to me seems a bit sarcastic to me, which I really don't see the need for.

It wasn't sarcastic in the slightest, I was being completely serious.

Manuals are something we are working on, but they take time. Your suggestion to ensure we have manuals by the release of the mod would seriously delay them.

Since you don't want to use products without a manual, the easiest solution is simply to wait until the manuals are created before purchasing/using the product. We do not claim there are manuals, or advertise such or anything along those lines. If the contents of our products don't meet your expectations, then you have the right not to use or purchase them.

As Ozzy said, every one of our products have a free version which lets you get an idea of what you will receive in the pro version - my take on this is that we do not set out to trick or deceive anyone in any way regarding documentation, and that it is a time consuming process - not something we can simply do without delaying the release of mods and updates.

From what i have seen the vast majority of our customers prefer more releases and updates rather than less of those and more timely documentation - it IS something we are working on though, so anyone (like yourself) who dislikes products without manuals can simply wait until they are complete and available.

It solves both problems - people who want the product or update faster get it, and people who want the product with full documentation but are willing to wait CAN wait and get it later with the documentation =)

ok Ive made up my mind i cant take this hash tag thing anymore and want to disable it totally , HOW can I disable to so that it doesnt show up in the nav drop down hash tag subscriptions viewable to any member ?

Cosmic Ozzy47

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OK this method is for individual cancel , I want to cancel it throughout the whole board , or at least take it out of the drop down menu under Community where it says Hash tags subscriptions in the drop down of that nav bar section ... i dont want it there

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