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I'll keep adding feature request in this thread if i think of more features which will make ur mod more beautiful. ;)

1. Grab image form external site while creating quiz

this will be very useful for those who want to create picture quiz..i can also use it for spot case diagnosis by image only quiz, and i just need to enter url ending with .jpg and it'll show that need to upload..

2. Explaination box - besides questions, options, correct answer, there shd be box to add explaination , and it'll be visible to users after taking quiz. certain usergroup cant view explaination, those who score below certain marks cant view explaination.

You can check for explaination issue too..they r showing it in very nice way..

3. i thought images of answers are for correct answer only, so i uploaded images for correct answers in my quiz and now any member can answer quiz as only correct answer has image.. :(
i request u to add option to show image of correct answer after user take quiz not while taking quiz..
while taking quiz also we can have images, but wht i want is images after taking quiz..

4. email a quiz - we shd be able to send email to multiple emails ids or atleast 5 email ids at by one is very boring..

5. time limit shd be in minute also if possible..
bcz i had test of 3 hours, so it'll be 4+ digits in second..

6. showing % rounded in round figure.. it shd show accurate % in xx.yy% digit.. (eg. i had 5/8 correct questions and it was showing 63% while it shd be 62.5%..) each mark matters.. :)

7. User who has taken quiz shd be able to see his answer after completing quiz and any time after that. Certain usergroup cant see answer or can see answer but cant see explaination. both option in admincp shd be there..

8. 3." Taken History "
it shd also show username who have taken well as top "x" results username..rightnow it's visible only if we click on quiz option and "entries"

9. integration with infopanel plugin as well as cyb-top "x" forum stats, vbexperience..
special request:

think and work out specially for add question,option,answer,explaination's major thing i want , otherwise np..
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I can add all these to the list except for 3. The images are there for questions that need an image to answer the question correctly. For example, the question is "What shape is a triangle?" Unless you like ascii art best thing is to put images as answers.
When I add the explanation with the list of questions/answers it will have the capability to add an image with the explanation. When it shows correct/incorrect you will have the ability to put either text or an image.
I can add all these to the list except for 3. The images are there for questions that need an image to answer the question correctly. For example, the question is "What shape is a triangle?" Unless you like ascii art best thing is to put images as answers.
When I add the explanation with the list of questions/answers it will have the capability to add an image with the explanation. When it shows correct/incorrect you will have the ability to put either text or an image.

yeah..that's y i was confused wht u can do about it..
but as usual. u figured it out, isnt it? :D
we can use image if we wanna show them in options and if we wanna show only for correct answer after user has taken quiz, we can add with explaination , so it'll be visible in results.
that's wht u're thinking, right?

seems cool..
btw, have u checked or need my login? plz check it once..give mock test there and leave after u check 5-10 questions, then check results page and system..
they even have "review it later" system, if u wanna mark some question in end, u can click on review it later, and such questions will be shown after u finish all other questions..
many other interesting things..
I haven't had the time yet. I did look a couple days ago and I can't sign up for it since I haven't been to medical school
When it shows correct/incorrect you will have the ability to put either text or an image.
it wont show both??
we can use image if we wanna show them in options and if we wanna show only for correct answer after user has taken quiz, we can add with explaination , so it'll be visible in results. is that possible?
I haven't had the time yet. I did look a couple days ago and I can't sign up for it since I haven't been to medical school
do u want login to test it?
i can give u trial login.
it wont show both??
we can use image if we wanna show them in options and if we wanna show only for correct answer after user has taken quiz, we can add with explaination , so it'll be visible in results. is that possible?

do u want login to test it?
i can give u trial login.

I meant and/or, you will be able to put in both text and an image.
When they view the results it will show the question, the correct answer and the answer they picked. If it's incorrect it will show an image and/or text for an explanation of why the correct answer is correct.

Sure, you can pm me a trial login.
We can not change quiz type while editing/modifying quiz???
If it's incorrect it will show an image and/or text for an explanation of why the correct answer is correct.
it shd show explaination and answer even if their answer was correct..not only for wrong answers.

Sure, you can pm me a trial login.

i've just checked my subscription and it's expired. I'll send u new login if i can get one.
but i already mentioned good features of elsevier-examzone.
1. Rank and results system in percentile and subjectwise assessment from full test
2. explaination
3. review later button to review some difficult question at last
4. user friendly interface

btw, i have one suggestion..after you create import/export quiz feature, create section to "share your quiz", so users can share their quiz here and can just import on their board without adding each questiond manually.. by that we can share general quiz here like IQ test, Fun quiz etc..
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Correct, the type of quiz defines the questions that can be placed in it. Once it is set you can't change it without causing problems with the questions.
Correct, the type of quiz defines the questions that can be placed in it. Once it is set you can't change it without causing problems with the questions.

ok but you can allow only admin to modify type of quiz bcz you may want to make quiz from "x" type to "variety" type.
ok but you can allow only admin to modify type of quiz bcz you may want to make quiz from "x" type to "variety" type.

I'll add it to the feature list. It will would only work for certain quiz types and once it went to variety it wouldn't be able to go back. Only types it would work for is multiple choice, multiple selection and double ended.
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